Multi-language Support - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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Default Language and Additional Languages

EnterWorks is initially configured with only one language, the "default language". The default language is English (United States), which is has the language code "en-us".

  • When a user logs in, they cannot choose which language to log in with. The default language will be the only available language.
  • All the EnterWorks UI elements will display in the default language. UI elements are things like screen labels, instructions, tool tips, buttons, dropdown menus, error messages, and informational messages.
  • All multi-language object properties will only be allocated space to store one value. Object properties include things like attribute names, code set descriptions, and template names.

If EnterWorks is configured to support an additional language, then:

  • The Language selector on the login screen and on the dashboard toolbar become active. Users can choose between the default language and the additional language. This selection determines which language is the "session language".
  • The UI elements will be displayed in the session language.
  • Multi-language object properties can have two values, one for the default language and one for the additional language. For example, if the additional language is Polish, attribute names would be able to have a value for the English name and a value for the Polish name.

For each additional language EnterWorks is configured to support, multi-language object properties will be allowed to store an additional value. For example, if the additional language are Polish, Spanish, and Swedish, attribute names would be able to have a value for the English (United states) name, a value for the Polish name, a value for the Spanish name, and a value for the Swedish name.

Note that if an object's property is multi-language, you can have a value for each configured language, but unless the value is required, you do not have to have a value for each configured language. For example, attribute descriptions are not required. If your EnterWorks is configured to support four languages, you will be able to enter four descriptions but you will not be required to.

Session Language

The session language is the language the UI will use while you are logged into this session. Items such as screen labels, instructions, tool tips, buttons, dropdown menus, error messages, and informational messages are displayed in the session language.

The language you choose as the session language does not affect your access to multi-language objects. For example, if you have user permissions to access a set of attributes and permissions to use the English, French, and Swedish languages, no matter which session language you choose, you will still be able to access the English, French, and Swedish values for those attributes. You can change the session language by logging out and back in, or if you are using the New UI, you can use the language selection dropdown on the far right of your dashboard's tool bar.

If you use the auto-translate field in the browser you are using to access EnterWorks and you select a language that is different from your session language, depending on the browser you are using, it will translate the text in your browser window to the language you selected, no matter what your EnterWorks session language is. Your browser will overwrite the EnterWorks UI text and display it in the language you selected for your browser to auto-translate to. For example, if your EnterWorks session language is Spanish, but you tell your browser to auto-translate to Polish, depending on how well your browser's auto-translate feature works, you will probably see all the EnterWorks text displayed in Polish.

Multi-language Object Properties

Depending on your user permission, EnterWorks allows you to see, access, and edit the language values for the following objects:

  • System-level object properties: Some system-level objects have multi-language properties, such as Preference names and descriptions, Code Set descriptions, Import and Export Template names and descriptions, and Hierarchy names and descriptions.

  • Attribute properties: An attribute's multi-language properties are its name, its description, and if the attribute is a character string (VARCHAR), its value.

For each additional language EnterWorks is configured to support, it allows you to store an additional value for each multi-language object property. For example, if EnterWorks was configured to support two additional languages, French and German, a VARCHAR attribute would have space allocated to store:

  • Name: an name in the default language, a French name, and a German name.
  • Description: a description in the default language, a description in French, and a description in German.
  • Value: a value for the default language a value for French, and a value for German.

Attribute Column Headers

Attribute column headers will display the session language's variant of the attribute's name. If the attribute name does not have a value for the output language, the default language's variant will be used.

Additionally, if a specific language variant of an attribute is displayed, if the specified language is not the session language, the column header will be the session language's variant of the attribute's name followed by the name of the specified language. The exception to this is that the default language's name will not be added to the column heading unless the default language's variant of the attribute is selected specifically. If you display the default language variant of an attribute, the name of the default language will be added to the column header.

State attribute column headers will be translated to the output language.

For example, if EnterWorks was configured to support:

  • the default language
  • Swedish
  • French
  • Polish
  • German

if the attribute's name has been defined for:

  • the default language: Town
  • Polish: Miasto
  • French: Ville

the column headers would be:

  • If the session language is the default language (English), the headers would be:
    Table 1.
    Attribute language Column heading
    Town Town
    Town's German language variant Town German
    Town's French language variant Town French
    Town's Polish language variant Town Polish
    Town's Swedish language variant Town Swedish
  • If the session language is Swedish, the default language value will be displayed because there is no Swedish language variant of the attribute name. The headers for the attribute would be:
    Table 2.
    Attribute language Column heading
    Town Town
    Town's German language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-German>
    Town's French language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-French>
    Town's Polish language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-Polish>
    Town's Swedish language variant Town <Swedish-word-for-Swedish>
  • If the session language is Polish, the Polish language value will be displayed. The column heading would be: Nazwa. Since there is a Polish language variant of the attribute name, the Polish variant of the attribute name will be displayed.
    Table 3.
    Attribute and language Column heading
    Town Miasto
    Town's German language variant Miasto <Polish-word-for-German>
    Town's French language variant Miasto <Polish-word-for-French>
    Town's Polish language variant Miasto <Polish-word-for-Polish>
    Town's Swedish language variant Miasto <Polish-word-for-Swedish>

Editing Multi-language Values

Fields configured to support different languages display a Multi-language icon next to the input field. In addition to allowing users with sufficient permissions to see, access, and edit multi-language values, EnterWorks can be configured to automatically generate translations.

For information about editing multi-language values, see Editing Multi-language Fields.