Data Model Objects
The EnterWorks data model is comprised of the following objects, which are described in more detail in following sections.
Repository – storage for a collection of data; a database table. A repository holds only one type of information.
Record – storage for information about one item in a repository; a database table's row.
Profile – defines the structure (schema) of records in one or more repositories.
Attribute – a field in a record that stores information about the item defined in the record, such as the item's price or color; a database table's column.
Code Set – defines a list of possible values for an attribute.
Link Relationship – defines a relationship between the records of two repositories or more, such as a link from a product record to a source record.
Snapshot Table – a database table that is used to store attribute values that need to be accessed quickly.
Sequence - Defines a sequence used by repositories to auto-generate sequence value for an attribute.