System Troubleshooting - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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Anti-virus software blocks the installation or execution of micro-services.

The quickest way to prevent this is to digitally sign the executables using the Windows kit.

500 server internal error

Verify that EnterWorks Web services are running. If they are not running, restart them.

UI not responding

The following should be checked to help identify why the UI is not responding:

  • Make sure the following services are running:

    • enable-web-server-service

    • EnableServerTomcat if you are using port 8090.

  • Check the database network connection from the web server.

Jobs that access the EPIM database are deadlocked.

If more than one process attempts to access the same record at the same time it is possible that the processes will deadlock. If you are running EnterWorks 11 or later, if validation, promotion and some other types of jobs deadlock, they will wait the amount of time specified by the shared configuration property db.retry.interval, then attempt to run again.

The default value for db.retry.interval is 5 seconds. To change this value, edit shared configuration properties.

Jobs are not processing

If jobs are not processing after a wait time of more than 10-15 minutes, the following should be checked. Note that jobs may be queued waiting for other jobs to complete.

  • Make sure the following services are running:

    • EnableServerWildflyController

    • EnableServerWildflyWorker

  • Open the Job Monitor and make sure that no jobs for the same repository are queued or aborted If there are, select them and end them.

System is slow

  • If EnterWorks is consistently slow, make sure that the data cache is properly sized. Check shared configuration properties and if necessary, set:
  • If overall system performance is slower than usual, ensure that regular system maintenance is being performed. In particular, database fragmentation should be checked to determine if the database indexes need to be rebuilt.

    If system maintenance has been performed and the overall system performance is still slow, monitor your server CPU loads and contact EnterWorks support.

enable-api-go-service does not run and RabbitMQ generates an error

This error occurs when the disk where RabbitMQ is installed gets full. To address this:

  1. Free up disk space on the drive running RabbitMQ.
  2. Stop EnterWorks Services on All Servers.
  3. Find the Rabbit MQ folders. The location of the data and log files for Rabbit MQ depend upon which user installed Rabbit MQ. The files are placed under that user's:
    folder which is typically hidden or restricted unless you explicitly have permission to view or access it. Unless you have access, searches you run will not find it. To find the folder:
    1. From the Start menu, run the command: regedit
    2. Expand the folders: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Ericsson > Erlang > ErlSrv > 1.1 > RabbitMQ
    3. The WorkDir property's value is the file path for the Rabbit MQ folders.
  4. In the folder:
    delete all the sub-folders. Do not delete:
  5. Restart Rabbit MQ.
  6. Add the enbable2020 user back into RabbitMQ:
    1. Open a command prompt in the sbin folder located in the install directory of RabbitMQ. For example:
      <drive>:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-<version>\sbin
    2. Enter the following commands in the command prompt:
      1. rabbitmqctl add_user enable2020 enable2020
      2. rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / enable2020 .* .* .*
      3. rabbitmqctl set_user_tags enable2020 administrator
  7. Start EnterWorks Services on All Servers