Several different errors can arise from misconfiguring DAM. General steps to investigate and address these issues are:
- Check the MonitorDAMDrop log for debugging information.
- Ensure there are no typos in the file DAM utility configuration files.
- Ensure there are no missing configuration settings in the DAMConfig repository.
- Remove all files in the MonitorDAMDrop log folder and retry the operation that caused the error.
- Ensure that no digital asset variant attributes are missing from the EnterWorks database.
- Ensure that the EnterWorks database is accessible.
Factors that affect how quickly images are uploaded and processed include:
- Client and server specifications: Image processing can be slowed by long responsive times between servers, poor client upload speed, server region, low disk space, and other environmental factors. Even antivirus systems can considerably slow down IO operations and impact image upload and processing speeds.
- Image operations and image complexity: Some advanced operations may take more resources, such as padding an image, removing a background, and filling a background. These operations may be performed even if they are not specified in the DamMaster repository. For example, changing the format of a TIF image with a transparent background to JPG requires manipulation of the image's background.