Create or Edit a Syndication Template - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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To create or edit a syndication template:

  1. Log into the Classic UI.
  2. Open the Syndication Templates list by opening the Feature bar, opening the Import & Export tab, and selecting Syndication Templates.
  3. To create a new syndication template, open the Action dropdown menu and select New. To edit an existing syndication template, select the template, open the Action dropdown menu and select Edit.
  4. The Syndication Template Editor screen will appear. Edit the template options.
    1. Name: (Required; multi-language) A name for the Syndication Template.
    2. Description: (Optional; multi-language) A description for the template.
    3. Output Type: Select the output format from the dropdown menu.
    4. Validation Level: (Optional) Select the minimum validation level that records must meet to be included.
    5. Root Repository: Select the root repository from the dropdown menu.
    6. Available Link Relationships: Click the Edit button to select linked repositories that have attributes you want to include in the template. The Edit Included Links of Template editor will appear.
      • Use the + and buttons to the left of a repository's name to show or hide that repository's child repositories. Select the repositories you would like to include. In order to select a child repository, its parent repository must be selected.
      • To edit the alias of an included link, click the Edit Details button. An editor will open that will allow you to edit the alias.
      • Click the Save button (above) to go back to the Syndication Template Editor links.
    7. Click Return to go back to the Syndication Template Editor.
    8. EnterWorks can create an output file for each Taxonomy node rather than putting all the content in one output file. Each file will contain the specified global attributes plus the node's category attributes. To do so, click the Edit button next to the Split File Control label.  An editor window will appear. Select Split File Indicator, the repository, and the Taxonomy control attribute. These values may already be filled in for you.
    9. Click the Save button to go back to the Syndication Template Editor.
    10. Output File Alias Format Type:
      1. None: No alias will be added to the names of the attributes.
      2. Prefix: The alias will be added to the beginning of the attribute name.
      3. Suffix: The alias will be added to the end of the attribute name.
    11. Use the Advanced Call Out Function and Advanced Call Out Class Path for export file transformations (optional).
    12. Click the Save button to save your changes, then close the window to go back to the Syndication Template list.
    13. Before you can use the template, you must edit the template's attribute mappings.