Create or Edit an Exchange Template - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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Exchange templates are viewed, defined, and edited in the EnterWorks Classic UI, in the same manner in which export templates are created, with the exception that the only available output is XML Exchange.

To create or edit an exchange template:

  1. Log into the Classic UI.
  2. Open the Exchange Templates list by opening the Feature bar, opening the Import & Export tab, and selecting Exchange Templates.
  3. To create a new exchange template, open the Action dropdown menu and select New. To edit an existing exchange template, select the template, open the Action dropdown menu and select Edit.
  4. The Exchange Template Editor screen will be displayed. Edit the options as desired.
    • Name: (Required; Multi-language) A name for the Exchange Template.
    • Description: (Optional; Multi-language) A description for the template.
    • Output Type will be preselected as XML Exchange.
    • Validation Level: (Optional) Select the minimum validation level that records must meet to be included.
    • Root Repository: Select the root repository.
    • Use the Advanced Call Out Function and Advanced Call Out Class Path for export file transformations (optional).
    • Available Link Relationships: Click the Edit button to select linked repositories that have attributes you want to include in the template. The Edit Included Links of Template editor will appear.
      1. Use the + and buttons to the left of a repository's name to show or hide that repository's child repositories. Select the repositories you would like to include. In order to select a child repository, its parent repository must be selected.
      2. When you select a repository, the Edit Included Links of Template editor will appear. Another way to open the Edit Included Links of Template editor is to click the Edit Details button to the right of the repository's name. The editor is used to identify all the attributes you want included in the export. The attributes will be exported as key value pairs. If you want to include category attributes, edit the options:
        • Include All Category Attributes: All category attributes will be included.
        • Category: You can enter the taxonomy value of a node or you can use the double arrow dropdown to the right of the field to open the taxonomy in tree form and select the node you want to open. When you select a node, that node's attributes will be listed in the Available Attribute list.
        • Name Filter: If you enter text into this field, the Available Attribute list will be filtered to show only attributes whose name begins with the text.
        • Available Attributes and Selected Attributes: To include attributes in the template, select attributes from the Available Attributes list and use the right-arrow buttons to move them to the Selected Attributes list. To exclude attributes from the template, select them in the Selected Attributes list and use the left-arrow button to move them to the Available Attributes list.
      3. When you are finished selecting attributes to include in the template, click the Save button to go back to the Edit Included Links of Template links.
      4. When you are finished adding all the attributes from the Included Links that you want to include in the template, click Return to go back to the Exchange Template Editor.
    • Output File Alias Format Type: This will be preselected as None. Leave it as it is.
    • Output File Layout: Click the Edit button to arrange the attributes in the output file.
      • The Manage Output File Layout editor will appear. The attributes included in the template will be listed. You can use the Action dropdown menu to modify the order of the attributes and their column aliases.
      • Set Alias: Select an attribute then select Set Alias from the Action dropdown menu. An editor will open that allows you to edit the column header for the selected attribute.
      • Set Order: To change the order in which attributes are arranged in the output file, select Set Order from the Action dropdown menu. An editor will appear that will let you select attributes and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change their order in the list. When you are finished arranging the attributes, click the OK button to return to the Manage Output File Layout editor.
    • When you are finished managing the output file layout, click the Return button to return to the Exchange Template editor.
    • Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Exchange Template list.