To translate an exported data model object or Classic UI Messages, you will load their
file into Excel. Do not simply select the .csv
file and open it in Excel because Excel may format the data in ways you do not want it to. To translate a data model object or Classic UI Messages:
- Open a new Excel file.
- Select the Data tab.
- In the Get External Data section of the data tab, select From Text/CSV.
- In the file explorer that appears, select the exported files, then click Import.
The Text Import Wizard will appear. Configure the settings:
- File Origin: select Unicode (UTF-8).
- Delimiter: select Comma.
Excel may have inserted a header row into the data that has column names like Column1,
Column 2, and Column3. If it did not insert a header row, click Load to load the
If Excel has inserted a header row, remove it:
- Click Transform Data. The Transformation window will appear.
- Open the Use First Row as Headers dropdown and select Use First Row as Headers. The header row will now be the first row of your imported data.
- Click Close and Load. The data will be loaded into the worksheet in table format.
- If you do not want the data in table format, you can convert it. Select the table, then on the Table Design tab, select Convert to Range.
The first column or columns in the
file are used by EnterWorks to define the data model element. Do not edit these columns. The only columns you should edit are the columns labeled with a language name. The first language column is the default language's column, which is English. Subsequent columns will be for the other languages that were included in the export. - Replace the values in the language columns as desired.
- Save the file. If Excel allows you to save the file in CSV UTF-8 format, you can save yourself a step by saving the file in CSV UTF-8 format. Otherwise save the file in Unicode Text format.
Open the file in Notepad++ and edit convert it so it can be uploaded to EnterWorks:
- Open the Encoding dropdown menu on the ribbon and select Convert to UTF-8. This converts the file into UTF-8 (without BOM) format. You must do this even if when you saved the file from Excel you saved it as CSV UTF-8 format because Excel saves it as UTF-8 BOM format.
- If the file was a Unicode Text file (instead of CSV UTF-8), you must convert the tab
delimiters to commas:
- Select all the text and click Ctrl-F.
- Select the Replace tab.
- In the search mode section, select the Extended radio button.
- In Find what enter:
- In Replace with enter a comma only:
- Click Replace All.
- When Messages are exported, blank lines are converted to double commas. If this is a
Messages file, you must replace those double commas with a non-empty value string.
- Select all the text and click Ctrl-F.
- Select the Replace tab.
- In Find what enter two commas only, with no space between them:
- In Replace with enter straight-double-quote straight-double-quote comma
comma with no spaces between them:
- Click Replace All.
- Save the file with a
extension. If this is a Messages file, make sure the text "Messages" (without the quotes) is in the file name.