Job Scheduling - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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How Job Scheduling Works

Job scheduling is the function that allows pre-scheduling one-time or repeated activities:

  • Imports

  • Exports

  • Promotions

Each of the three types of scheduled activities has its own set of repositories and workflows:

  • A workflow that triggers a scheduled activity to occur.

  • A Scheduling Repository that stores the configuration details for each instance of an activity; one record per each defined activity. Configuration details might include settings such as which template to use, transmission options, or how often to perform the activity.

    For example, there might be an export of the Product IDs from the product repository to a particular target scheduled to run every Tuesday night. There would be a record in the Scheduled Exports repository that would include the name of the export template, the name of the repository, how often the export should run, and other pertinent settings.

  • A Scheduled Jobs Repository that contains records representing the currently active or recently completed jobs. When a job is initiated, a record for the job is created in the scheduled jobs repository. The details of the job are copied to the record and the record is subsequently updated to reflect the current status of the job.

    To continue the example, every Tuesday night, the workflow would kick off the export of the Product IDs, and it would store the details about the export in the Scheduled Exports Jobs repository, such as the completion status of the job and error indicators.

Using Job Scheduling

For details on using Job Scheduling, see:

For details regarding pre-processing and post-processing, see: