Connectors allow you to access an external application from EnterWorks, from the provided extension points. Typically these connectors use REST APIs, however, other types of APIs can be accessed if there are Java-based client libraries available for them.
See your EnterWorks sales representative for information about predefined connectors that are available for purchase.
An Example Custom Connector
How to Update SAP from EnterWorks using Winshuttle Studio. A demonstration is available in the Precisely University's EnterWorks Tech Talks. It shows how to configure the process of sending record data from EnterWorks repositories to SAP through Studio, and retrieving status responses from SAP to be stored back in the EnterWorks repository records. This process uses Scheduled Export, EPX Workflow, Windows batch scripts, and Scheduled Import functionality. Details about the configuration of each component is discussed and demonstrated. Example files are included.