DAMVariants Repository - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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The attributes in the DAMVariants repository define how image variants will be created. Each record defines one variant. Resizing images is supported for all image types, however, more advanced operations are only supported for JPG, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF formats.

The DAMVariants repository's attributes are:

  • File-related attributes:
    • Name: (Required) Name of variant.
    • MediaType: (Required) Type of asset: Image or Document.
    • ImageType: (Required) The variant's file format.
    • Variant: (Required) Whether the variant will be included in the list of variants that can be regenerated from DAMMaster
      • SystemDefined: This variant will be included in the list.
      • User Defined: This variant will not be included in the list.
    • OutputPath: (Required) Use <drive>:\Enterworks\DAMRoot\<Variant Name>.
    • ExportPath: (Optional) This is used when an export that includes images is performed. The images will be put inside a zip file that will be exported to the specified filepath.
    • Regex Rule: (Optional) A regular expression (regex). If this value is defined, if the Original image's filename matches this expression, the variant image will be generated, otherwise it will not.
    • InheritMetadata: (Optional. Available for JPG output files if the original image is JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, EPS, PNG, TIF, TIFF.) Use the dropdown list to select the metadata attributes that will be copied from the Original image to the variant image.
  • Compression and image quality attributes:
    • AllowCompression and CompressionQuality: (For JPG or JPEG files only.) These attributes work together. If you set them, you must set them both and you cannot specify a value for Quality.
      • AllowCompression: Determines if the image will be compressed to save memory.
        • Y: Yes, compress the image. You must also set CompressionQuality.
        • N: No, do not compress the image.
      • CompressionQuality: Enter a number 0 to 100. 100 is the highest compression. The higher the compression, the more the image will be compressed, the smaller the file size, and the lower the image quality.
    • Quality: The quality of the image. Enter a number 0 to 100. 100 is the highest quality. 0 is the lowest. If the attribute is left empty, the default quality will be used. This attribute cannot be set if AllowCompression and CompressionQuality are set.
  • Image sizing and manipulation attributes: The variant image will be centered in the space dictated by the Height and Width attributes.
    • Height: (Required) The height of the variant image, in pixels.
    • Width: (Required) The width of the variant image, in pixels.
    • ResizeChoice: (Required) The variant image is resized according to the Height and Width attributes.
      • LargestDimension: Resize the image to match the larger of the Height and Width attributes.
      • Height: Resize the image to match the Height attribute.
      • Width: Resize the image to match the Width attribute.
      • Exact: The image will be resized to exactly the size specified in the Height and Width attributes.
    • ScaleUp: (Required) If the image is resized, do you want the image to be scaled up? If the image is small, the image may be degraded if you scale up. Y for yes. N for no.
    • PadToPreserveAspectRatio: (Optional) If the image is resized, do you want the image padded to preserve the aspect ratio?
      • Y: Yes. Background space that is not filled by the resized image will be padded with white.
      • N: No. Background space that is not filled by the resized image will be transparent.
    • RotateUsingFilename: (Optional) The variant image can be rotated based on the filename. If the filename ends in:
      • _rl: Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left.
      • _rr: Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right.
      Do you want the variant image to be rotated? Y for yes. N for no.
    • RemoveBackgroundDefinedByClippingPath: (Optional) Y for yes. N for no.
    • DPI: (Optional) Dots per inch.
      • 72: Resolution is set to 72 dots per inch.
      • 300: Resolution is set to 300 dots per inch and DAM will use an Adobe ICC profile. DAM must already be configured to support the Adobe ICC profile. For more information, see Configure DAM Support for an Adobe ICC Profile
      • unspecified: The default resolution is used.
    • ColorSpace: (Optional) For information about configuring support for an Adobe ICC profile, see Configure DAM Support for an Adobe ICC Profile.
      • RGB
      • CMYK
      • Grayscale
      • unspecified
  • Watermark attributes:
    • HasWatermark: (Optional) Do you want to add a watermark? Y for yes. N for no.
    • WatermarkIsBold: (Optional) Do you want the watermark text to be bold? Y for yes. N for no.
    • WatermarkIsItalic: (Optional) Do you want the watermark text to be italicized? Y for yes. N for no.
    • WatermarkIsUnderlined: (Optional) Do you want the watermark text to be underlined? Y for yes. N for no.
    • WatermarkText: (Optional) Enter the text for the watermark here.
    • WatermarkFontFamily: (Optional) The font family, such as Times New Roman.
    • WatermarkFontSize: (Optional) Font size.
    • WatermarkColorRed: (Optional) For RGB, the value for red. Values are 0 to 255.
    • WatermarkColorGreen: (Optional) For RGB, the value for green. Values are 0 to 255.
    • WatermarkColorBlue: (Optional) For RGB, the value for blue. Values are 0 to 255.
    • WatermarkHorizontalAlignment: (Optional) The horizontal alignment for the watermark: Left, Center, Right.
    • WatermarkVerticalAlignment: (Optional) The vertical alignment for the watermark: Top, Center, Bottom.