Taxonomies and hierarchies are a special type of code set. They are hierarchical code sets. They consist of a node tree. The codes are nodes and they can have descendent codes. For a detailed description of hierarchies and taxonomies, see Taxonomies and Hierarchies
Hierarchies can be created using the Classic UI or the New UI, but taxonomies are only created in the Classic UI.
The process of creating a hierarchical code set involves the following steps:
- Define the basic characteristics of the code set.
- Define the levels of the code set.
- Enter the codes for the code set nodes.
To create or edit a hierarchical code set:
- Log into the Classic UI as a user with administrative privileges.
- Open the Feature sidebar, open Model, and select Taxonomy.
- The folders holding the taxonomies are listed across the top of the Taxonomy tab. Open the folder holding the desired taxonomy and select the taxonomy.
- Create a new code set or edit an existing one:
- To create a new code set, open the Action dropdown and select New. A new code set will be opened in the Taxonomy editor.
- To edit an existing code set, double-click the code set or select the code set, open the Action dropdown and select Edit. The code set will be opened in the Taxonomy or Hierarchy editor.
- Edit the configuration options:
Name: (Required) The name of the code set.
- Folder: (Required; cannot be changed once set.) The folder that holds the code set. The folder must be already created before attempting to create a code set. If the folder is not specified, an error may be generated when you attempt to save the code set.
Description: (Optional) A description of the code set.
Properties Repository: (Optional) Properties are optional. A properties repository contains metadata (properties) about the object it is assigned to. By using a properties repository, you can manage, import, and export the metadata as you would with any other repository.
If you do not use a properties repository, add any properties using the Properties table:Property Name: (Required) The name that will appear as the header of the property's metadata column.
Data Type: (Required) The data type of the property's value.
Default Value: (Optional) A default value for the property.
Code Set: (Optional) If the property values are drawn from a code set, select the name of the code set to be used.
Display Order: (Optional) Indicate the order the in which the properties will be displayed.
Include Owner: (Optional) If you select an owner, they and administrators will be the only user or user group allowed to edit the code set.
User: This field will appear if Include Owner is selected. Select the user or user group that will be the owner.
Path Code: The manner in which the code set node's path is stored. For more information about types of paths, see Taxonomy and Hierarchies Paths
- No Path: Only the node name is stored.
- Full Path: Only the names of the node's ancestors and the name of the node itself are stored.
- Relative Path: The names of the node's ancestors and the name of the node itself are stored. Placeholders are inserted for descendent nodes. The placeholders contain the filler values for the descendent nodes.
Path Format: Specifies how the path values are stored:
Delimited: Node names are separated by a period.
Fixed: Node names are known by their position in the path.
Source: (Required.) The source of the codes and descriptions:
Detail Editor: After you define the code set's levels you will manually create the codes.
Import from a file: After you define the code set's levels, you will choose a file to import codes to populate the levels.
- From an Existing Set: This option only appears if this is
a new code set. It allows you to copy codes from an existing
code set that is in the same folder. After you define the code
set levels you will select the codes to copy into the new code
- Select the code set.
- A dropdown will appear that lists the code sets in the same folder. Select the code set you want to copy codes from.
- Click Next move to the Level editor and define the code set's levels.
The levels defined in the Level editor determine the depth of your taxonomy tree. If you define three levels, your taxonomy will have a parent level, child level, and grandchild level. Define the code set's levels. The root level has already been added to the tree.
- To add a level, click Add and edit the level's fields.
- Level Name.
- Num of Chars: If the Path Format is Fixed, this is the number of characters that will be used for the level's node codes.
- Filler Value: The default value of codes. Once the filler value
has been added, it cannot be edited.
If the Path Format is Fixed, the Filler Value must have the number of characters specified Num of Chars. When a code is stored in the node, the code will replace the right-most characters of the Filler Value. For example, if Filler Value is set to "00000" and the code "123" is specified, the code will be stored as "00123".
- To delete a level, select it and click Remove.
- To add a level, click Add and edit the level's fields.
- When you are finished editing the code set's levels, click Next to define the code set's codes.
- The page that will appear will depend on the selection you made for the code
Source. Define the code set's codes.
- Detail Editor: The Detail editor will appear. Create the desired codes. For more information about using the Detail editor, see Create or Edit Hierarchical Code Set Codes with the Detail Editor
- The Detail editor displays the codes for one level of the code set at a
- To change the level of codes displayed, use the Level Up and Level Down buttons.
- To add a code, click Add. To edit a code, select it and
click Edit. The Code editor will appear:
- Code Detail Id: This value is automatically generated and cannot be edited.
- Code: Typically an internal system code. All levels of the node path will be displayed. You can only edit the code for the level you are on.
- Description: Typically a description that is easy for people to read.
Active Indicator:
- Active: The code is available to be used.
- Inactive: The code is not selectable by users. Attributes containing this value will be flagged as invalid.
- Pending: The code is not selectable by users. Attributes containing this value will be flagged as invalid.
- Parent Code: The code's ancestor codes.
- Allow Assignment to Node: Whether records can be assigned to the node.
- To delete a code, select it and click Delete.
- To split a code into two codes, select the code and click
Split. The Split Code editor will appear.
- Create new nodes in the Split the Above Code to the Following New Codes list.
- Click Next.
- The Split Next Level Code editor will appear. It
- Selected Detail Code: The code that is being split.
- Next Level Codes: The codes in the original code.
- New Codes (Split): A dropdown menu that allows you to select one of the new code.
- Next Level Codes (Split): The codes that will be moved to the selected new code.
- Assign the Next Level Codes to the new codes. Use the New Codes (Split) list to select a new code, then use the arrow buttons to move codes from the Next Level Codes list to the Next Level Codes (Split) list. You can switch between the new codes without saving your changes. All the codes in the Next Level Codes list must be assigned to a new code before you can save your changes.
- When you are finished assigning codes, click Save.
- To merge two or more codes into one, select the codes, then
click Merge.
- The Merge Codes editor will appear. Click Edit and configure the new code. When you are finished, click Save to return to the Merge Codes editor.
- Click Save.
- To reorder the codes in a level, select the codes and use the Up and Down buttons to move them to new location. When you are finished moving the codes, click Save Order.
- When you are finished editing the codes, click Finish to save your changes.
- From and Existing Set: The Manage Subset page will appear. The
Selected Codes list will display the codes you select to import. The
entire code path of selected codes will be copied. Its ancestors and all
its possible dependent codes will all be imported.
- To add codes:
- Click Add.
- The Taxonomy Lookup editor will appear. It lists the codes for the top level of the source code set. Use the Level Down and Search buttons to find the top level of the codes you want to import.
- Select the codes you want to import and click OK. The codes will be added to the Selected Codes list.
- To remove codes, select the code and click Remove.
- To add codes:
- Import from a File: The Import File page will open. Select the
import file and indicate its type and formats.
- File: Choose the import file.
File Type:
- PIM Load:
- Hierarchical:
- Hierarchical with Codes:
- File Format: The file's format.
- File Encoding: The file's encoding format.
The display will revert to the list of taxonomies. If a code set has been added, it should appear. If the new code set does not appear, clear the cache or click the Refresh button.