The Unified Parent Child View capability allows you to configure the New UI's Detail editor so that when a child record is displayed, select attributes from a parent repository's linked record are displayed along with the child record's attributes. The Unified Parent Child View capability does not support muti-edit (editing more than one record at once).
The linked attributes are displayed according to the attribute tab and attribute group defined in the parent repository's profile. If the parent's tab name matches the child repository's tab name, the attributes will be placed on the same tab. If the parent's group name matches the child's group name, the attributes will be placed in the same group.
To configure the Detail editor to display a unified parent child view, create a link relationship from the child record to the parent record. There are two settings you need to configure:
- Child tab: Define Child JSON Properties: These properties determine how attributes from the child record will be displayed in the parent record.
- Parent tab: Define Parent JSON Properties: These properties determine how attributes from the parent record will be displayed in the child record..
The format for the JSON properties is as follows.
NOTE: The quotes that surround the properties are conforming (straight) double quotes, not beginning and ending curly double quotes. For example:
Examples of Unified Parent Child View Configurations:
The following properties will display the parent record's attributes that begin with the text string "member".
{ "mergeView":true, "filterByColocatePrefix":true, "colocatePrefix":"member" }
The following properties will display the parent record's attributes in a table.
{ "mergeView":true, "hideGrid":false }
The following properties will display only the parent record's attributes included in the preference specified in the Open Link Table in Tab with Preference setting. They will be placed in the group identified by the Placement Group setting specified in the link relationship definition.
{ "mergeView":true, "filterByPreference":true }
The following properties will display in a table of the parent record's attributes that begin with the text string "member".
{ "mergeView":true, "hideGrid":false, "filterByColocatePrefix":true, "colocatePrefix":"member" }