To create a repository:
- Log into the EnterWorks Classic UI.
- Open the Repositories tab by opening the Feature bar, opening the Model tab, and selecting Repositories.
- From the list of folders displayed at the top of the pane, select the folder where you want the repository to be stored.
- On the Repositories tab's activity bar, open the Action dropdown menu and select New. A New Repository window will appear.
- Edit the new repository's configuration options as desired.
- Name: (Required) Name of the repository. You cannot include special characters, such as & < >. Underscores _ are allowed.
- Description: A description of the repository.
- Profile: (Required) The repository's profile is selected when the repository is created. It cannot be changed later.
- Pre-Staging/Staging/Production: If this repository will be used in a Pre-Staging(optional)/Staging/Production sequence, indicate which one of these the repository will be. Otherwise, leave the field empty.
- Repository Type:
- Hierarchy Catalog Repository View: Displays all records from a Hierarchy properties repository.
- Web Product Root: Pertains only to the Split/Clone functionality. Enables the Split/Clone menu option from the Action menu on repository.
- Web Product: Pertains only to the Split/Clone functionality. Enables the Clone menu option on the Action menu.
- Option Type: Pertains only to the Split/Clone functionality. Allows a user to select multiple variant attributes to split or to enter a count for cloning a product repository record.
- Option: Pertains only to the Split/Clone functionality.
- <empty>: If the repository is not one of the types listed above, leave the field empty.
- Show Tab: Whether or not the repository's name will appear in the Feature bar.
- Tab Name: (Required) The name of the repository's tab when it is opened in a Repository View and the name that will appear in the Feature bar if Show Tab is selected.
- Sequence: (Required) The sequence object to be used to track record sequence numbers. Repositories can share sequence objects, which means that each record in the repositories has a unique sequence number across all the repositories using that object. Either select an already defined sequence or click the Manage button to define a new sequence:
- Name: (Required) The name of the sequence definition. Do not include special characters in the name, such as & < > ".
- Prefix: (Optional) You can add a prefix to auto-generated sequence numbers. This can be useful for automatically generating GTIN values.
- Starting Sequence: (Required) The first number in the sequence. Do not set the Starting Sequence Number to a value the same as or lower than the Current Max Sequence, otherwise as records are added, their sequence numbers may be the same as the sequence numbers for records that already exist.
- Current Max Sequence: This is a displayed value only. It is not a configuration option. It displays the highest number currently in the sequence. If this value is blank, no records have been generated yet that use this sequence definition.
- Auto-Generate Sequence: If selected, when a record is created, its sequence number will be automatically generated. If it is not selected, when a record is created, its sequence number must be manually entered.
- Transmission Option: Defines the method of transmitting data exported from the repository, such as the protocol used, modifications to the resulting file name, destination, and any necessary destination-imposed user authentication. Transmission options can be used by more than one repository. Either select an already defined transmission option, or click the Manage button to define a new option.
- When you have finished editing the configuration options, select Next. The New
Repository Attribute Configuration window will appear. Edit the repository attribute
properties as desired:
- Attribute: The name of the attribute.
- Type: The attribute's data type.
- Relational: Whether or not the attribute will be included in the snapshot table.
- Create Index: Whether or not an index for this attribute will be created for the snapshot table.
Drill Down Index: Whether or not the attribute will appear as one of the filters
in a repository view's Filter list.
Note that the only repeatable attributes that can be filters are of type VARCHAR. Any record that contains the text will be returned.
- Default Value: The default value of the attribute.
- Default Override Ind:
Calculation Label: Used for defining a custom action. This is the label that will appear if you hover over the custom action icon.
Calculation URL: Used for defining a custom action. When you click this field, a window will appear that has the following fields:
- Calculation Ind: The action to occur when you click the custom action icon.
- <none>: No calculation indicator will be displayed. This is the default for any attribute for which no calculations are to be performed.
- Open as Dialog: The selected JSP/HTML page will be opened as a dialog prompt.
- No User Interface: The selected JSP/HTML page will be opened in the background. There will not to be any user input fields on the form.
- Open as Window: The selected JSP/HTML page will be opened in a new window.
- Hidden Window: The selected JSP/HTML page will be opened in the background. No pop-up is shown.
- Control with Window: A pop-up window will appear that has a button for the attribute. Clicking the button triggers the JSP/HTML page. The attribute will not be updated.
- Control with Hidden Window: A hidden pop-up window will appear that has a button for the attribute. Clicking the button triggers the JSP/HTML page. The attribute will not be updated.
- Calculated Attribute: The attribute value may be updated by the custom action. This is used for an attribute that is going to be updated by a pop-up page but there is not a button to open the page.
- Calculation URL: The name of the custom action HTML/JSP file that will be invoked when the custom action button is clicked.
- When you are finished editing the repository's attribute properties, select Next.
- A status message will appear that says the repository definition is complete. Select Finish to save the repository and exit the New Repository tab.
- Clear the data cache.
- Repositories are securable objects and must be made accessible to the groups that need to access them. Define this repository's security: Define Access to Securable Objects.