Check Box or Radio
Checkboxes allow a user to select one or more of the specified values.
Radio buttons allow a user to select only one of the specified values.
Code Set List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Code Sets within the EnterWorks
system. |
Code Set – Taxonomy and Hierarchy List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of a combined list of all Taxonomies
and Hierarchies within the EnterWorks system. |
Custom dropdown menu
Allows a user to specify values in a specified SQL query. The values
are displayed as a dropdown menu or multi-select list. |
Custom Format Pattern
Allows you to define your own format for user input. Enter a string
representing the pattern of the desired input. Sections of the
pattern that represent user input begin with {{ and end with }}. Use
the following tokens to specify the characters the user is allowed
to enter:
- 9: The character must be a single digit.
- a: The character must be an uppercase or lowercase letter in the
English alphabet, A through Z.
- *: The character can be a single digit or any uppercase or
lowercase letter in the English alphabet, A through Z.
For example, a phone number may be represented with the following
({{999}}) {{999}}-{{999}}
This control type does not support the multi-language capability.
Export, Publication and Syndication Template List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Export, Publication, and
Syndication Templates within the EnterWorks system. |
Export Style Map List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Export Style Maps within the
EnterWorks system. |
Export Template List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Export Templates within the
EnterWorks system. |
Group List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Groups within the EnterWorks
system. |
Hierarchy List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Hierarchies within the
EnterWorks system. |
HTML Editor
Allows the user to format data in a WYSIWYG editor. This control type
supports multi-language. |
Import Template List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Import Templates within the
EnterWorks system. |
Attribute field that only permits numeric characters.
- In the Classic UI, non-numeric characters can be entered into
attributes with a control type of numeric. The value will be
accepted, validated when the value is saved, then marked as
- The New UI prevents values containing non-numeric characters to
be saved.
Profile List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Profiles within the EnterWorks
system. |
Publication Style Map List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Publication Style Maps within
the EnterWorks system. |
Repository List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all repositories within the
EnterWorks system. |
Syndication Template List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Syndication Templates within the
EnterWorks system. |
Taxonomy List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all Taxonomies within the EnterWorks
system. |
User List
Allows the user to choose a single value in a dropdown menu or multiple
values in a multi-select box of all users within the EnterWorks
system. |