EnterWorks Address Validation allows you to access the data address validation capabilities of Precisely's Spectrum OnDemand.
Address Validation is an add-on feature for the EnterWorks New UI's Detail Editor. Once a repository is configured with Address Validation, when you open one of the repository's records in the Detail Editor, an icon will appear next to the name of the attribute for the first line of the address. After you populate the address attribute values, or partially populate those values, you can click the icon to open the Address Validation editor to see if the address is recognized as a valid address. The editor displays a list of valid addresses that match or closely match the address you entered and indicates addresses that are recommended. If you select an address, it will be copied to the record's address attributes. When the record is saved, the value of the address attributes will be saved as well.
Configuring a repository with Address Validation or using Address Validation in the repository does not change the validation state of records or attributes to indicate that they are or are not valid.
Only one set of address attributes in a profile can be configured with Address Validation. You can configure any or all repositories based on that profile with Address Validation.
To configure EnterWorks for Address Validation, you must first obtain a license for Spectrum OnDemand.