Rebuild, Drop, or Repopulate a Snapshot Table - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Warning: Depending on the number of records being processed, rebuilding, dropping, or populating a snapshot table can take a significant amount of time, during which system performance may be impacted and data in the table may not be an accurate copy of the repository's attribute values. To prevent system slow-down and the accidental use of unreliable data, manage snapshot tables during non-business hours.
Warning: When a snapshot table is rebuilt, the view is deleted and a new one is generated. Any users who had access that was explicitly granted to the old view will no longer have access to it, nor will they have access to the new view until that explicit access has been re-granted. This can be avoided by granting general access to the views so if a view is re-created, it can be accessed without being explicitly granted.

You can perform the following actions on a repository's snapshot table:

  • Full snapshot population: This is also called "rebuilding" a snapshot table. Rebuilding a repository's snapshot table repopulates the entire table. EnterWorks will clear any existing records from the snapshot table, then for each record in the repository, write the values of the attributes included in the snapshot table to the snapshot table. It is recommended that when you repopulate the snapshot table, you drop it also.
  • Full snapshot population and drop the snapshot table: This is also called "dropping" the snapshot table. If you drop the snapshot table, the table will be entirely recreated, then EnterWorks will retrieve the values of all the attributes in the snapshot table for all the records in the repository, and store them in the new snapshot table. Dropping and recreating the snapshot table guarantees that the snapshot table matches the repository's profile and it takes just as much time as only repopulating the table.
  • Populate missing records: If there are any records in the repository that have not been added to the snapshot table, EnterWorks will add those records to the snapshot table. This is particularly useful if a snapshot job has been interrupted or stopped and not all records were added to the snapshot table.
To trigger a job to perform one of these actions:
  1. Log into EnterWorks Classic as a user assigned to an Administrator group.
  2. Open the Repositories folder by opening the Feature bar, selecting Model, then selecting Repositories.
  3. A window will open and all the repository folders will be displayed. Open the folder containing the desired repository, and select the repository.
  4. Open the Utilities dropdown menu, open Job, and select Snapshot.
  5. The Snapshot Job window will appear. Select the desired options.
    • Full Snapshot Population: This will repopulate the repository's snapshot table. It is recommended that when you repopulate the snapshot table, you drop it also.
      • Drop Snapshot Table: You can only select this if you have already selected Full Snapshot Population. This will cause the snapshot table to be recreated before it is populated. It is recommended that when you repopulate the snapshot table, you drop it also.
    • Populate Missing Records: This will retrieve the attribute values for any records missing from the snapshot table and store those values in the snapshot table.
  6. When you have finished making your selections, select Populate Snapshot.