Process Modeling Facade - this facade provides APIs for the administration of business process flows, subflows, activities, transitions, and transition conditions. Administration of process roles, work item types, and work item viewers used by process flows is also provided. To create an instance of the ProcessModelingFacade, use the following:
private ProcessModelingFacade processFacade_ =
The following is an example using the ProcessModelingFacade to create a role (sessionProfileParam is obtained as described in the SecurityFacade example):
RoleVO roleParam = new RoleVO();
// client assigns all roleParam attributes here
RoleVO role = processFacade_.createRole
(sessionProfileParam, roleParam);
Process Error Facade - this facade provides APIs for creating and retrieving errors related to process flow validation. To create an instance of the ProcessErrorFacade, use the following:
private ProcessErrorFacade processFacade_ =
The following is an example using the ProcessErrorFacade to create a process error (sessionProfileParam is obtained as described in the SecurityFacade example):
ProcessErrorVO processErrorParam =
new ProcessErrorVO();
// client assigns all processErrorParam
// attributes here
ProcessErrorVO pe =
(processErrorParam, sessionProfileParam);
Distributed Subflow Facade - this facade provides APIs for the publishing of process flows in a distributed network environment. To create an instance of the DistributedSubflowFacade, use the following:
private DistributedSubflowFacade
distribSubflowFacade_ = (DistributedSubflowFacade)
The following is an example using the DistributedSubflowFacade to publish a remote subflow (sessionProfileParam is obtained as described in the SecurityFacade example):
ProcessVO processParam = new ProcessVO();
// client assigns all processParam attributes here
(sessionProfileParam, processParam);
BIC Facade - this facade provides APIs for registration of Business Integration Component (BIC) Managers and associated BIC modules. The retrieval of existing BIC-related registration data is also supported. To create an instance of the BicFacade, use the following:
private BicFacade bicFacade_ = BicFacade.getInstance();
The following is an example using the BicFacade to retrieve the list of BIC managers (sessionProfileParam is obtained as described in the SecurityFacade example):
Collection bics =
Integer (sessionProfileParam.getServerId()) );
Report Facade - this facade provides APIs for the retrieval of process-related report definition and process-related report data. To create an instance of the ReportFacade, use the following:
private ReportFacade rptFacade_ = (ReportFacade)
The following is an example using the ReportFacade to get a report (sessionProfileParam is obtained as described in the SecurityFacade example):
ReportData reportDataParam = new ReportData();
int rptIDParam;
// client assigns rptIDParam value and all
// reportDataParam attributes here
// criteriaParam is a collection of ReportCriteria objects
// sortParam is a collection of SortCriteria objects
Document doc = rptFacade_.getReport(rptIDParam,
reportDataParam, criteriaParam, sortParam,
Work Item Facade - this facade provides APIs for the creation, sending, modification, deletion, and retrieval of work items and work item versions. The facade's APIs also support the administration of related work item data, such as work item properties, attachments, and comments. Work item import, purge, re-assignment, expiration, and error are supported as well. The facade also supports the retrieval of user and BIC starting point lists and work item destination information. To create an instance of the WorkItemFacade, use the following:
private WorkItemFacade wiFacade_ =
The following is an example using the WorkItemFacade to create a work item (sessionProfileParam is obtained as described in the SecurityFacade example):
ActivityVO selectedActivityParam = new ActivityVO();
// client assigns selectedActivityParam attributes here
String workItemNameParam = “testFlow”;
String workItemdescriptionParam = “new flow for testing”;
WorkItemVersionExtendedVO wi =
selectedActivityParam, workItemNameParam,
Work List Facade - this facade provides APIs for retrieving a user's or BIC's inbox, draftbox, and sentbox information. To create an instance of the WorkListFacade, use the following:
private WorkListFacade wlFacade_ =
The following is an example using the QueryBeansFacade to obtain a box summary list (sessionProfileParam is obtained as described in the SecurityFacade example):
// boxProfileIdListParam is a collection of Integer
// values – the UserId’s for which box summaries
// are desired
Collection summaryList =