Additional Help for Programmers - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference
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The remaining chapters of this document describe in detail how to accomplish several of the more common tasks programmers need to know when accessing EPX APIs. However, there are many EPX API methods that are not detailed in this document. A developer can look for additional information in several places. The following table details the types of documentation available for EPX in addition to this document (listed in alphabetical order).

Tab Name Description of functions
Administration Guide Intended for system administrators who need to create and manage user accounts, set up server and client configuration parameters, and how to use the Import/Export Utility to distribute process flows, process flow components, including users, groups, and roles, from one EPX database server to another.
BIC Development Guide

Describes Business Integration Component (BIC) development and covers:

  • BIC managers

  • BIC loader architecture

  • message log server

  • event mechanism

  • framework that can be used to develop a simple BIC

  • development guidelines for BICs

  • describes how to configure and install your BIC

  • explains how to make a .jar file that includes your BIC and any custom JavaHelp files you have developed.

Data Access Utility Quick Start Designed to quickly get you on your way to using EPX’ Data Access Utility (DAU) Administrator.
Data Access Utility Reference Explains how to configure and use EPX’ Data Access Utility (DAU) using the DAU Administrator.
EPX Javadoc HTML Pages Installed with EPX in the docs/javadoc directory, every EPX API class has been documented.
Process Modeling Guide Discusses the Process Modeling tools, and the Report Tool and Process Flow Monitor components of EPX.
Task Manager Guide Describes how you use EPX TaskManager to view, complete, and send work items.