Views Error Messages - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference
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Views Error Messages
Message Number Message Key Message Text
29000 VIEW_MISSING_ID The VIEW_ID field of the ViewVO object is missing or null.
29001 VIEW_MISSING_UNION_SOURCE Union view sources not provided.
29002 VIEW_MISSING_LINK_IND The LINK_IND field of the ViewVO object is missing or null.
29003 VIEW_MISSING_SCHEMA_OWNER_ID The SCHEMA_OWNER_ID field of the ViewVO object is missing or null.
29004 VIEW_MISSING_FQNAME The FQNAME field of the ViewVO object is missing or null.
29006 VIEW_MISSING_NAME The NAME field ofthe ViewVO object is missing or null.
29007 VIEW_MISSING_SQL_STRING The SQL_STRING field of the ViewVO object is missing or null.
29008 VIEW_MISSING_VIEW_TYPE_CODE The VIEW_TYPE_CODE field of the ViewVO object is missing or null.
29009 VIEW_MISSING_RECLOCK The RECLOCK field of the ViewVO object is missing or null.
29010 VW_COLUMN_MISSING_ID The COLUMN_ID field in the ViewColumnVO object is missing or null.
29011 VW_COLUMN_MISSING_VIEW_ID The VIEW_ID field of the ViewColumnVO object is missing or null.
29012 VW_COLUMN_MISSING_NAME The NAME field of the ViewColumnVO object is missing or null.
29013 VW_COLUMN_MISSING_NULL_IND The NULL_IND of the ViewColumnVO object is missing or null.
29020 VW_FOREIGN_KEY_MISSING_ID The foreign key field of the ViewFkVO object is missing or null.
29021 VW_FOREIGN_KEY_MISSING_NAME The NAME field ofViewFkVO object is missing or null.
29022 VW_FOREIGN_KEY_MISSING_VIEW_ID The VIEW_ID of the ViewFkVO object is missing or null.
29030 VIW_INDEX_MISSING_ID The INDEX_ID field of the ViewIndexVO object is missing or null.
29031 VW_INDEX_MISSING_NAME The NAME field of the ViewIndexVO object is missing or null.
29032 VW_INDEX_MISSING_VIEW_ID The VIEW_ID field of the ViewIndexVO object is missing or null.
29040 VW_TRIGGER_MISSING_ID The TRIGGER_ID field of the ViewTriggerVO object is missing or null.
29041 VW_TRIGGER_MISSING_NAME The NAME field of the ViewTriggerVO object is missing or null.
29042 VW_TRIGGER_MISSING_VIEW_ID The VIEW_ID field of the ViewTriggerVO object is missing or null.
29050 VW_STORE_PROC_MISSING_ID The VIEW_STORE_PROC_ID is missing in the ViewStoreProcVO object.
29051 VW_STORE_PROC_MISSING_VIEW_ID The VIEW_ID field is missing in the ViewStoreProcVO object.
29052 VW_STORE_PROC_MISSING_STORE_PR OC_ID The STORE_PROC_ID is missing in the ViewStoreProcVO object.
29060 VIEW_MISSING_COLUMNS The column list is missing in the view.
29065 VIEW_MISSING_STORE_PROC The stored procedure list is missing in the view.
29300 VIEW_CREATION Cannot create view.
29301 VIEW_COLUMN_CREATION Cannot create view column.
29302 VIEW_INDEX_CREATION Cannot create view index.
29303 VIEW_FOREIGN_KEY_CREATION Cannot create view foreign key.
29304 VIEW_TRIGGER_CREATION Cannot create view trigger.
29306 VIEW_LINK Cannot link view.
29400 VIEW_DELETE Cannot delete the view.
29401 VIEW_COLUMN_DELETE Cannot delete the view column.
29402 VIEW_INDEX_DELETE Cannot delete view index.
29403 VIEW_FOREIGN_KEY_DELETE Cannot delete the foreign key for view.
29404 VIEW_TRIGGER_DELETE Cannot delete trigger for the view.
29405 VW_STORE_PROC_DELETE Cannot delete the stored procedure view
29500 VIEW_UPDATE Cannot update view.
29501 VW_COLUMN_UPDATE Cannot update the view columns.
29502 VW_INDEX_UPDATE Cannot update index for view.
29503 VW_FOREIGN_KEY_UPDATE Cannot update foreign key for view.
29504 VW_TRIGGER_UPDATE Cannot update trigger for view.
29505 VW_STORE_PROC_UPDATE Cannot update stored procedure view
29600 VIEW_SELECT View retrieval error.
29601 VW_COLUMN_SELECT View column retrieval error.
29602 VW_INDEX_SELECT View Index retrieval error.
29603 VW_FOREIGN_KEY_SELECT View foreign key retrieval error.
29604 VW_TRIGGER_SELECT View trigger retrieval error.
29605 VW_STORE_PROC_SELECT Cannot retrieve stored procedure view.
29606 SOURCE_SELECT View union sources cannot be retrieved.
29700 VW_STORE_PROC_CREATION Cannot create stored procedure view.
29701 VIEW_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_FOR_VIE W_DELETION This view was used in the creation of another view.