TaskManager/Report Tool Error Messages | ||
Message Number | Message Key | Message Text |
49000 | TM_RPT_COMM_INVALID_USERID_PASS WORD | Invalid password or unknown user name supplied. |
49001 | TM_RPT_COMM_SERVER_NOT_FOUND | The server cannot be found. |
49002 | TM_RPT_COMM_FAILED_LOGIN | An error occurred while logging into the server. Please contact your Administrator. |
49003 | TM_RPT_COMM_LOGIN_ERROR | User login failed. |
49004 | TM_RPT_COMM_SESSION_TIMED_OUT | Your session has timed out. Please re-login. |
49005 | TM_RPT_COMM_SESSION_INVALID | Your session is invalid. Please re-login. |
49007 | TM_RPT_COMM_SERVER_DOWN | The server is not available. Please try again later. |
49051 | TM_RPT_COMM_UNKNOWN_APPLICATIO N_ERROR | An error occurred while processing your request. |
49052 | TM_RPT_COMM_NO_SESSION_ID | There is no session id. |
49053 | TM_RPT_COMM_MISSING_APP_TYPE | Missing the application type. |
49054 | TM_RPT_COMM_LOGOUT_IND | This is the logout indicator. |
49055 | TM_RPT_COMM_LOGOUT_FAILED_ERRO R | Logout failed. |
49201 | TM_COMM_NO_ACTION_PARAM | Missing the action parameter. |
49202 | TM_COMM_LOAD_TEMPLATE_FAILED | Failed to load a xml template. |
49203 | TM_COMM_INVALID_ACTION_PARAM | The action parameter is invalid. |
49204 | TM_COMM_GET_LDAP_FLAG_FAILED | Failed to get the flag that indicates if the LDAP server is up or not. |
49301 | TM_WIZARD_INVALID_PAGE | Failed to generate a valid wizard page. |
49302 | TM_WIZARD_SET_STARTING_POINT_FAIL ED | Failed to set the selected starting point. |
49303 | TM_WIZARD_NO_STARTING_POINT | There is no starting point. |
49304 | TM_WIZARD_UNKNOWN_ERROR | An error occurred while processing a wizard request. |
49305 | TM_WIZARD_LOAD_TEMPLATE_FAILED | Failed to load the xml template file. |
49306 | TM_WIZARD_LOAD_STARTING_POINTS_F AILED | Failed to load the list of starting point. |
49307 | TM_WIZARD_XSL_PROCESS_FAILED | Failed to do the xsl processing. |
49308 | TM_WIZARD_REDIRECT_FAILED | Failed to do the redirect request. |
49331 | TM_BOX_LOAD_DATA_FAILED | An Exception occurred while trying to load the box data. |
49332 | TM_BOX_XSL_PROCESS_FAILED | Failed to do the xsl processing. |
49361 | TM_WI_NO_VALID_WIV_ID | No valid work item version id. |
49362 | TM_WI_NO_VALID_ACTION | No valid action specified. |
49363 | TM_WI_CREATE_FAILED | Failed to create a new work item. |
49364 | TM_WI_OPEN_FAILED | Failed to open the selected work item version. |
49365 | TM_WI_REOPEN_FAILED | Failed to reopen the selected work item version. |
49366 | TM_WI_SAVE_FAILED | Failed to save the updated work item version. |
49367 | TM_WI_SEND_FAILED | Failed to send the selected work item version. |
49368 | TM_WI_NEXT_FAILED | Failed to process the action of the next personal work item version. |
49369 | TM_WI_BACK_FAILED | Failed to process the back action on the selected personal work item version. |
49370 | TM_WI_HISTORY_FAILED | Failed to show the history of the selected work item version. |
49371 | TM_WI_DELETE_FAILED | Failed to delete the selected work item versions. |
49372 | TM_WI_DELETEALL_FAILED | Failed to delete all work item versions. |
49373 | TM_WI_EDIT_FAILED | Failed to go to the file attachment page. |
49374 | TM_WI_SELECTION_ROLE_FAILED | Failed to open the selection role page. |
49375 | TM_WI_ROUTING_SLIP_FAILED | Failed to open the routing slip page. |
49376 | TM_WI_SEND_TO_SELECTED_FAILED | Failed to send the opened work item version to the selected destinations. |
49377 | TM_WI_LOAD_VIEWER_DATA_FAILED | Failed to load the viewer template and data of the selected work item version. |
49378 | TM_WI_XSL_PROCESS_FAILED | Failed to do the xsl processing of the selected work item version. |
49379 | TM_WI_NO_DESTINATION | There is no destination. |
49380 | TM_WI_ALREADY_SENT | This work item version has been already sent. |
49381 | TM_WI_NO_VIEWER | There is no work item viewer. |
49382 | TM_WI_OPEN_NO_WI | The selected work item version is empty. |
49383 | TM_WI_INVALID_PRIORITY_INFO | The selected work item version has invalid priority info. |
49384 | TM_WI_INVALID_VIEWER_TYPE | The selected work item version has invalid work item viewer type. |
49385 | TM_WI_INVALID_PROPERTIES | The selected work item version has invalid properties. |
49386 | TM_WI_INVALID_STATUS | The selected work item version has invalid status. |
49387 | TM_WI_INVALID_FLOW_TYPE | The selected work item version has invalid flow type. |
49388 | TM_WI_VIEWER_NOT_FOUND | The requested viewer {0} does not exist. |
49431 | TM_PASSWORD_XSL_PROCESS_FAILED | Failed to do the xsl processing of the password page. |
49432 | TM_PASWORD_CHANGE_FAILED | Failed to change your password. |
49441 | TM_EMAIL_LOAD_FAILED | Failed to load the email preference data. |
49442 | TM_EMAIL_XSL_PROCESS_FAILED | Failed to do the xsl processing of the email preference data. |
49443 | TM_EMAIL_REMOVE_FAILED | Failed to remove the selected email addresses. |
49444 | TM_EMAIL_UPDATE_FAILED | Failed to update the email preferences. |
49461 | TM_DIRECT_SUBMIT_FAILED | Failed to do the direct submit. |
49481 | TM_ATTACHMENT_ATTACH_FAILED | Failed to do the file attachment. |
49482 | TM_ATTACHMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR | An error occurred while processing the file attachment request. |
49483 | TM_ATTACHMENT_GET_MAX_SIZE_FAILE D | Failed to get the allowed file max size. |
49484 | TM_ATTACHMENT_EXCEED_MAX_FILE_SI ZE | The size of the file attachment is larger than maximum allowed size. |
Failed to create the file attachment directory. |
49486 | TM_ATTACHMENT_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED | Failed to finish the file upload request. |
49487 | TM_ATTACHMENT_CLOSE_ACTION_FAIL ED | Failed to finish the attachment close action. |
49488 | TM_ATTACHMENT_DATA_PROCESS_FAIL ED | Failed to do the data processing for the attachment page. |
49489 | TM_ATTACHMENT_XSL_PROCESS_FAILE D | Failed to do the xsl processing for the attachment page. |
49490 | TM_ATTACHMENT_REMOVE_FAILED | Failed to remove the selected file attachment. |
49491 | TM_ATTACHMENT_SEND_FAILED | Failed to direct submit the work item version with the attachments. |
49492 | TM_ATTACHMENT_DISABLED | The file attachment feature has been disabled. |
49501 | TM_COMMENTS_DATA_PROCESS_FAILE D | Failed to do the comments data processing. |
49502 | TM_COMMENTS_XSL_PROCESS_FAILED | Failed to do the comments xsl processing. |
49503 | TM_COMMENTS_REQUEST_PROCESS_F AILED | Failed to do the comments request processing. |
49504 | TM_COMMENTS_GET_FAILED | Failed to get the comments. |
49505 | TM_COMMENTS_SAVE_FAILED | Failed to save the comments. |
49601 | RPT_NULL_HELPER_CLASS | Helper class not found. |
49602 | RPT_DOM_EXCEPTION | A DOM error has occurred while retrieving the report data. |
49603 | RPT_DATA_PROCESSING_EXCEPTION | An error has occurred while retrieving the report data. |
49604 | RPT_XSL_EXCEPTION | An error has occurred while processing the stylesheet. |
49605 | RPT_CREATE_MAIN_PAGE_EXCEPTION | Failed to create the main page for the report servlet. |