Security Beans/Facades Error Messages | ||
Message Number | Message Key | Message Text |
23000 | SECURITY_INVALID_SESSION | Session validation failure. |
23001 | SECURITY_SERVER_NOT_FOUND | The server cannot be found. |
23002 | SECURITY_INVALID_USERID_PASSWORD | Invalid password or unknown user name. |
23003 | SECURITY_LDAP_LOGIN_INVALID | Invalid password or user does not exist in LDAP server. |
23004 | SECURITY_LOGIN_FAILED | User login failed. |
23005 | SECURITY_LOGOUT_FAILED | User logout failed. |
23006 | SECURITY_NO_PRIVS_FOR_SERVER_AT TRIBS | This user has no privileges for viewing server attributes. |
23007 | SECURITY_EXPIRED_SESSIONS_GENER AL | An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to process expired client sessions on server {0}. |
23008 | SECURITY_NO_PRIVILEGES_FOR_DESIR ED_ACTION | The logged in user has no privileges to perform the desired action. |
23009 | SECURITY_UNABLE_TO_SET_USER_PRIV S | Cannot set privileges for this user. |
23010 | SECURITY_UNABLE_TO_SET_GROUP_PR IVS | Cannot set privileges for this group. |
23011 | SECURITY_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_PRIV S | Unable to retrieve privileges for the group or user. |
23012 | SECURITY_NO_PRIVILEGES_FOR_CHOSE N_SCHEMA | The user has no privileges to use the chosen schema. |
23013 | SECURITY_ERROR_TEST_USER_CONNE CTION | Error attempting to test user connection for user ""{0}"" on {1}. |
23014 | SECURITY_ERROR_GET_NAV_HIERARCH Y | Unable to get navigation items under item {0} for session id: {1}. |
23015 | SECURITY_ERROR_GET_ALL_NAV_HIERA RCHY | Unable to get navigation items for session id: {0}. |
23016 | SECURITY_LOGIN_FAILED_NOT_AUTHOR IZED | Unauthorized login. Please contact the System Administrator. |
23017 | SECURITY_LDAP_ERROR_CONNECT | Could not connect to the LDAP server at {0}. Please contact the System Administrator. |
23018 | SECURITY_INVALID_DATABASE_USERID_ PASSWORD | The database password is incorrect. Please contact the System Administrator. |
23100 | CRYPTO_ERROR_GEN_ASYMMETRIC_KE YPAIR | Unable to generate asymmetric key pair (public/private) using ""{0}"" algorithm. |
23101 | CRYPTO_ERROR_CIPHER_INIT | Unable to initialize ""{0}"" cipher for {1}. |
23102 | CRYPTO_ERROR_GEN_SYMMETRIC_KEY | Unable to generate symmetric key using ""{0}"" algorithm. |
23103 | CRYPTO_ERROR_WRAP_SECRET_KEY | Unable to wrap secret key using algorithm {0}. |
23104 | CRYPTO_ERROR_UNWRAP_SECRET_KE Y | Unable to unwrap secret key using algorithm {0}. |
23105 | CRYPTO_ERROR_ENCRYPT_SEALEDOBJ ECT | Unable to encrypt sealed object using ""{0}"". |
23106 | CRYPTO_ERROR_DECRYPT_SEALEDOBJ ECT | Unable to decrypt sealed object using ""{0}"". |
23107 | CRYPTO_ERROR_SESSION_SECRET_KE Y_NOT_FOUND | Session secret key not found for session ID: {0}. |
23108 | CRYPTO_ERROR_SET_SESSION_SECRE T_KEY | Unable to set session secret key for session ID {0}. |
23109 | CRYPTO_ERROR_GET_SERVER_PUBLIC_ KEY | Unable to get server public key. |
23110 | CRYPTO_ERROR_MESSAGEDIGEST_INIT | Unable to initialize message digest using algorithm ""{0}"". |
23111 | CRYPTO_ERROR_KEYFACTORY_INIT | Unable to initialize KeyFactory using ""{0}"". |
23112 | CRYPTO_ERROR_KEYFACTORY_GETKEY SPEC | Unable to get key spec for ""{0}"". |
23200 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_SERVER_PROFILE S | Error retrieving server profiles. |
23201 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_SERVER_INFO | Error retrieving server info for ""{0}"". |
23202 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_SERVER_PRIORIT Y | Error retrieving server priority for serverID: {0}. |
23203 | SERVER_ERROR_UPDATE_SERVER_PRI ORITY | Error updating server priority. |
23204 | SERVER_ERROR_CREATE_SERVER | Error creating server {0}. |
23205 | SERVER_ERROR_UPDATE_SERVER | Error updating server {0}. |
23206 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_AUDIT_LEVELS | Error retrieving audit levels for session ID: {0}. |
23207 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_PHONE_TYPES | Error retrieving phone types for session ID: {0}. |
23208 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_REFERENCE_TYP ES | Error retrieving reference types for session ID: {0}. |
23209 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_DATA_TYPE | Error retrieving data type for code ""{0}"" for session ID: {1}. |
23210 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_DATA_TYPES | Error retrieving data types for session ID: {0}. |
23211 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_HTML_TYPES | Error retrieving HTML types for session ID: {0}. |
23212 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_WORKITEM_PRIO RITIES | Error retrieving work item priorities for session ID: {0}. |
Error retrieving viewer format list for session ID: {0}. |
23214 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_VIEWER_TYPE_LI ST | Error retrieving viewer type list for session ID: {0}. |
23215 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_CLIENT_TYPES | Error retrieving client types for session ID: {0}. |
23216 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_PEER_SERVER_LI ST | Error retrieving peer server list for session ID: {0}. |
23217 | SERVER_ERROR_UPDATE_PEER_SERVE R_LIST | Error updating peer server list. If you are trying to remove a server, please make sure no subflows have been published to it. |
23218 | SERVER_ERROR_GET_PROFILE_VALUE_ LIST | Error retrieving profile value list for session ID: {0}. |
23219 | SERVER_ERROR_SET_PROFILE_VALUE_ LIST | Error updating profile value list for session ID: {0}. |