Process Validation Error Messages - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference
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Process Validation Error Messages
Message Number Message Key Message Text
63200 ACTIVITY_RULE_NAME_REQUIRED Activity must have a name.
63201 ACTIVITY_RULE_ACTOR_REQUIRED Activity must have an actor specified.
63202 ACTIVITY_RULE_WORK_ITEM_TYPE_REQ UIRED Activity must have at least one work item type specified.
63203 ACTIVITY_RULE_DEFAULT_NAME_REQUI RED When an activity is a starting point, a default work item name must be specified.
63204 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_ROLE When an activity is a starting point, the actor cannot be an initiator, dynamic actor, selection, or cascading role.
63205 ACTIVITY_RULE_PRIORITY_REQUIRED When an activity is a starting point and the priority is user-defined all input work item types must have a priority specified.
63206 ACTIVITY_RULE_INPUT_FILTER_REQUIRE D Activity must have at least one input filter specified.
63207 ACTIVITY_RULE_OVERRIDE_VIEWER_RE QUIRED Activity must have an override viewer defined for each work item type selected.
63208 ACTIVITY_RULE_DEFAULT_VIEWER_REQ UIRED Activity must have a default viewer specified for each work item type selected.
63209 ACTIVITY_RULE_TIMEOUT_REQUIRED If expiration is enabled, a timeout period must be specified.
63210 ACTIVITY_RULE_EMAIL_DESTINATION_R EQUIRED If email notification is enabled for an expiration, one or more email destinations must be specified.
63211 ACTIVITY_RULE_REASSIGNED_ACTOR_R EQUIRED If reassign work item is selected for an enabled expiration, an actor to reassign the work item to must be specified.
63212 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_PRIORITY Only custom BICs may have a priority of user-defined specified.
63213 ACTIVITY_RULE_SPLIT_TYPE_REQUIRED Activity must have a split type specified.
63214 ACTIVITY_RULE_JOIN_TYPE_REQUIRED Activity must have a join type specified.
63215 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_STARTING_POI NT Activity cannot be a starting point.
63216 ACTIVITY_RULE_SYSTEM_ACTOR_REQUI RED Activity actor must be ""system"".
63217 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_STARTING_POI NT_SUBFLOW Activity cannot be a starting point, except in a subflow.
63218 ACTIVITY_RULE_DPA_RULE_REQUIRED Activity must have at least one rule specified.
63219 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_SIMPLE_RULE Each simple rule requires that a type, field name, operator, value, and at least one destination be specified.
63220 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_ADVANCED_RU LE Each advanced rule requires that a logic text block and at least one destination be specified.
63221 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_OTHERWISE The DPA can have at most one otherwise condition specified.
63222 ACTIVITY_RULE_OTHERWISE_DESTINATI ON_REQUIRED The otherwise condition must have at least one destination specified.
63223 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_OPERATOR Unsupported operator. The operators supported are =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, and BETWEEN.
63224 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_OPERATOR_BO OLEAN Unsupported operator. For Boolean types, the operators supported are = and <>.
63225 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_VALUE Invalid value. For Boolean types, valid values are true and false.
63226 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_RULE_SYNTAX The advanced rule logic contains invalid syntax. NOTE: No spaces are allowed when specifying variables. String compare values allow blank spaces only when contained within single quotes.
63227 ACTIVITY_RULE_OUTPUT_REQUIRED Activity must have one and only one output transition.
63228 ACTIVITY_RULE_INPUT_REQUIRED Activity must have one and only one input transition.



The activity must have one or more input transitions.
63230 ACTIVITY_RULE_ONE_OR_MORE_OUTPU TS_REQUIRED Activity must have one or more output transitions.



In a personal subflow, each DPA condition may have only one destination specified.
63232 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW The referenced subflow is invalid.
63233 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_ACTIVITY_SUB FLOW Activity cannot be contained in a subflow.
63234 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_ACTIVITY_PER SONAL_SUBFLOW Activity cannot be contained in a personal subflow.
63235 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_ENTRY_POINT Activity cannot be an entry point in a subflow.
63236 ACTIVITY_RULE_VIEWER_REQUIRED Activity must have a viewer selected.
63237 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_EXIT_POINT Activity cannot be an exit point in a subflow.
63238 ACTIVITY_RULE_ITERATOR_REQUIRED Iterator count must be specified.
63239 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_ANONYMOUS Activity can only be used in a personal subflow.
63240 ACTIVITY_RULE_UNIQUE_NAME_REQUIR ED Activity must have a unique name within the flow.
63241 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_INPUT Starting/entry point activities cannot have input transitions.
63242 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_OUTPUT Ending and exit point activities cannot have output transitions.
63243 ACTIVITY_RULE_SUBFLOW_REQUIRED Activity must have a subflow specified.
63244 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_DEFAULT_PRIO RITY Starting point activities may not specify a priority of default if the process does not have any priorities specified.
63245 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_USER_DEFINE D_PRIORITY Activity may not specify a priority of user- defined if the process does not have any priorities specified.
63246 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_STARTING_POI NT_SUBFLOW_ACTIVITY The subflow activity contains an entry point that cannot be a starting point in a flow.
63247 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_INITIATOR_ROL E If the process has an automatic activity as a starting point, no manual activity that follows can use the initiator role as the actor.
63248 ACTIVITY_RULE_CHILD_REQUIRED If send work item is selected for expiration, there must be an activity after this one to send the work item to.
63249 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_SELECTION_R OLE If an automatic activity is the input to a join, the join cannot be followed by a manual activity that uses the selection role.
63250 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_SPLIT_TYPE If an automatic activity is the input to a join, the join cannot be followed by a split that uses the SOME or ONE split type.
63251 ACTIVITY_RULE_MULTIPLE_ENTRY_POIN T Subflow must have only one entry point activity.
63252 ACTIVITY_RULE_MULTIPLE_EXIT_POINT Subflow must have only one exit point activity.
63253 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_INITIATOR_DIS T_SUBFLOW Activities in a distributed subflow may not use the initiator role as the actor.
63254 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW_INITI ATOR If the process has an automatic activity as a starting point, no manual activity that follows can use the initiator role as the actor. A manual activity that uses the initiator role is contained within the subflow referenced.
63255 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW_SEL ECTION_ROLE If an automatic activity is the input to a join, the join cannot be followed by a manual activity that uses the selection role. The join is followed by a subflow activity that contains an entry point that uses the selection role.
63256 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW_SPLI T_TYPE If an automatic activity is the input to a join, the join cannot be followed by a split that uses the ""some"" or ""one"" split type. The join is followed by a subflow activity that contains an entry point that is a “”some”” or “”one”” split.
63257 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_JOIN Work items originating from two separate starting points may not be joined by an ""AND"" join.
63258 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_PARTICIPANT The activity actor has been deleted. Please select another actor.
63259 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW_ROL E When an activity is a starting point, the actor cannot be an initiator, dynamic actor, selection, or cascading role. The subflow activity contains an entry point that uses the initiator, dynamic actor, selection, or cascading role.
63260 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_SELECTION_DI ST_SUBFLOW The first user activity in a distributed subflow cannot use the selection role as the actor.
63261 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_VALUE_BOOLE AN Invalid value. Valid values are true and false.
63262 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_VALUE_DATE Invalid value. Field value must be a valid DateTime.
63263 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_VALUE_NUMBE R Invalid value. Field value must be a valid number.
63264 ACTIVITY_RULE_INVALID_PSF_ENTRY Activity cannot be an entry point in a personal subflow.



A subflow may not be selected as a starting point if its entry point resolves to a remote subflow.
63300 TRANS_RULE_ONE_INPUT Activity can have at most one input transition.
63301 TRANS_RULE_ONE_OUTPUT Activity can have at most one output transition.
63302 TRANS_RULE_TYPE_INTERSECTION_RE QUIRED The work item types available on both activities must intersect.
63303 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_RECURSIVE Activity cannot have a transition that originates and terminates at itself.
63304 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_SELECTION_ROL E If expiration is enabled on the parent activity, the child activity cannot use a selection role as the actor.
63305 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_SELECTION_ROL E_SEND If send work item is selected for expiration on the parent activity, the child activity cannot use a selection role as the actor.
63306 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_SOME_SPLIT If send work item is selected for expiration on the parent activity, the child activity cannot be a some-split.
63307 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_ONE_SPLIT If send work item is selected for expiration on the parent activity, the child activity cannot be a one-split.
63308 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_SELECTION_ROL E_AUTO If the parent activity is an automatic activity or a decision point activity, the child activity cannot use the selection role as the actor.
63309 TRANS_RULE_AND_JOIN_REQUIRED If the parent activity is a join and the child activity is a merge activity, the join type must be AND.
63310 TRANS_RULE_DPA_OTHERWISE_REQUIR ED When a DPA is preceded by an automatic activity, it is recommended that the DPA specify an otherwise condition. If an otherwise condition is not specified and none of the other conditions are met, the work item will always remain at the automatic activity.
63311 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_CHILD_ENDPOINT Activity should not be followed by an end point activity.
63312 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_INPUT Starting/entry point activities cannot have input transitions.
63313 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_OUTPUT Ending and exit point activities cannot have output transitions.
63314 TRANS_RULE_DUPLICATE Transition already exists between the parent and child activities.
63315 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW_SELEC TION_ROLE If send work item is selected for an expiration, the next activity cannot use a selection role as the actor. The subflow activity contains an entry point that uses a selection role as the actor.
63316 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW_SPLIT If send work item is selected for an expiration, the next activity cannot be a one or a some split. The subflow activity contains an entry point that is a one or some split.



If the input activity is an automatic activity or a decision point activity, the next activity cannot use the selection role as the actor.

The subflow activity contains an entry point that uses a selection role as the actor.

63318 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_SPLIT Activity cannot be followed by a ""some"" or ""one"" split.



Activity cannot be followed by a ""some"" or "one"" split. The activity is followed by a subflow activity that has an entry point that is a ""some"" or ""one"" split.
63320 TRANS_RULE_CANNOT_PRECEDE_SPLIT Activity cannot be followed by a split.
63321 TRANS_RULE_SUBFLOW_CANNOT_PREC EDE_SPLIT Activity cannot be followed by a split. The activity is followed by a subflow activity that has an entry point that is a split.
63322 TRANS_RULE_INVALID_CONSECUTIVE_R EMOTE_SUBFLOW_ACTIVITIES Consecutive remote subflow activities are not permitted.
63400 PROCESS_RULE_INVALID_INITIATOR_RO LE If the process has an automatic activity as a starting point, no manual activity that follows can use the initiator role as the actor.
63401 PROCESS_RULE_STARTING_POINT_REQ UIRED Process must have at least one starting point activity specified.
63402 PROCESS_RULE_ENDING_POINT_REQUI RED Process must have at least one ending point activity specified.
63403 PROCESS_RULE_DPA_REQUIRES_AND_J OIN If an AND join is used in a process flow, all of the transitions leaving a preceding DPA or split should eventually arrive at the AND join.
63404 PROCESS_RULE_CHILD_REQUIRED If send work item is selected for expiration, there must be an activity after this one to send the work item to.
63405 PROCESS_RULE_INVALID_SELECTION_R OLE If an automatic activity is the input to a join, the join cannot be followed by a manual activity that uses the selection role.
63406 PROCESS_RULE_INVALID_SPLIT_TYPE If an automatic activity is the input to a join, the join cannot be followed by a split that uses the SOME or ONE split type.
63407 PROCESS_RULE_ENTRY_POINT_REQUIR ED Subflow must have one and only one entry point activity.
63408 PROCESS_RULE_EXIT_POINT_REQUIRED Subflow must have one and only one exit point activity.
63409 PROCESS_RULE_INVALID_STARTING_AC TIVITY Process must contain a valid starting point activity.
63410 PROCESS_RULE_INVALID_ENTRY_ACTIVI TY Subflow must contain a valid entry point activity.
63411 PROCESS_RULE_UNIQUE_NAME_REQUI RED Process must have a unique name.
63412 PROCESS_RULE_INVALID_INITIATOR_DIS T_SUBFLOW Activities in a distributed subflow may not use the initiator role as the actor.
63413 PROCESS_RULE_ANONYMOUS_REQUIRE D The personal subflow must contain one or more anonymous activities.
63414 PROCESS_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW_INI TIATOR If the process has an automatic activity as a starting point, no manual activity that follows can use the initiator role as the actor. A manual activity that uses the initiator role is contained within a subflow used within this flow.
63415 PROCESS_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW_SE LECTION_ROLE If an automatic activity is the input to a join, the join cannot be followed by a manual activity that uses the selection role. The join is followed by a subflow activity that contains an entry point that uses the selection role.
63416 PROCESS_RULE_INVALID_SUBFLOW_SP LIT_TYPE If an automatic activity is the input to a join, the join cannot be followed by a split that uses the ""some"" or ""one"" split type. The join is followed by a subflow activity that contains an entry point that is a ""some"" or ""one"" split.
63600 VALIDATION_EXCEPTION An error has occurred while validating a process flow.