JDBC Manager Error Messages - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
Product name
Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference
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The following general system error messages may be received from the EPX JDBC manager:

JDBC Manager Error Messages
Message Number Message Key Message Text
5000 JDBC_UPDATE_CRITERIA_GENERAL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to update the table {0}. The update criteria specified was {1} and filter criteria specified was {2}.
5001 JDBC_UPDATE_WHERE_GENERAL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to update the table {0}. The update criteria specified was {1}.
5002 JDBC_REMOVE_CRITERIA_GENERAL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to remove records from the table {0}. The filter criteria specified was {1}.
5003 JDBC_REMOVE_CRITERIA_GENERAL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to remove records from the table {0}. The filter criteria specified was {1}.
5004 JDBC_FIND_WHERE_GENERAL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to retrieve records from the table {0}. The filter criteria specified was {1}.
5005 JDBC_FIND_CRITERIA_GENERAL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to retrieve records from the table {0}. The filter criteria specified was {1}.
5006 JDBC_COUNT_WHERE_GENERAL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to count records from the table {0}. The filter criteria specified was {1}.
5007 JDBC_COUNT_CRITERIA_GENERAL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to count records from the table {0}. The filter criteria specified was {1}.
5008 JDBC_PRIMARY_NO_RESULT An attempt to generate a primary key value did not return any data records. The SQL statement specified was {0}.
5009 JDBC_PRIMARY_GENERAL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to generate a primary key. The SQL statement specified was {0}.
5011 JDBC_PRIMARY_PROCEDURE_GENER AL An unexpected exception has occurred attempting to generate a primary key for the table {0}.