J2EE Framework Error Messages - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference
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J2EE Framework Error Messages
Message Number Message Key Message Text
9000 CONFIG_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND The configuration property specified, {0}, was not found in the config.properties file.
9001 CONFIG_MESSAGE_KEY_NOT_FOUND The message key specified, {0}, was not found in messages.properties.
9002 CONFIG_SERVER_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND The unique server identifier specified, {0}, was not found in esjdbc.properties.
9003 CONFIG_RULE_KEY_NOT_FOUND The process validation key specified, {0}, was not found in rule.properties.
9004 CONFIG_SERVER_PROFILE_GENERAL An unexpected exception was encountered initializing the server profiles from the esjdbc.properties.
9005 CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT_KEY_NOT_FOU ND The J2EE environment entry specified, {0}, was not found in the deployment descriptor file.
9006 CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to read the J2EE deployment descriptor file.
9007 CONFIG_BIC_MANAGER_NOT_FOUND The BIC Manager profile specified, {0}, was not found in the config.properties file.
9008 CONFIG_BIC_PROFILE_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to initialize the BIC Manager profiles from the configuration file config.properties.
9009 CONFIG_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND The service name specified, {0}, was not found. Please check config.properties to ensure that the EJB Container JNDI settings are correct.
9200 CONTROL_SERVICE_START_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to start the Control Manager services.
9201 CONTROL_SERVICE_STOP_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to stop the Control Manager services.
9203 CONTROL_SERVICE_REQUEST_GENERA L An unexpected exception occurred attempting to send a request to the Control Manager services. The request parameters specified were {0}.
9300 SERVICE_START_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to start the services specified, {0}.
9301 SERVICE_STOP_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to stop the services specified, {0}.
9302 SERVICE_REQUEST_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to process a request to the service {0}. The request parameters specified were {1}.
9303 SERVICE_INIT_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND A required servlet initialization parameter was not specified, {0}. Please update the XML configuration file for this servlet to include this initialization parameter.
9304 SERVICE_CHECK_APP_SERVER Checking for application server availability.
9305 SERVICE_APP_SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE Application server not available, waiting 1 minute to retry.
9501 EVENT_SUBSCRIBER_NO_LISTENER No event listener specified when attempting to initialize a message subscriber.
9502 EVENT_SUBSCRIBE_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to initialize the message subscriber for the topic {0}.
9503 EVENT_SUBSCRIBE_CREATE An unexpected exception occurred attempting to create the message subscriber for the topic {0}.
9504 EVENT_START_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to start the client message services.
9505 EVENT_SEND_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to send a message.
9506 EVENT_PUBLISH_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to publish a message.
9507 EVENT_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_NULL The JNDI initial context returned from the message provider was null.
9508 EVENT_CONTEXT_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to create the JNDI initial context in the message provider. The connection parameters specified were {0}.
9509 EVENT_FACTORY_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to lookup the connection factory for messages. The connection factory name specified was {0}.
9510 EVENT_TOPIC_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to lookup the topic for messages. The topic name specified was {0}.
9511 EVENT_TOPIC_CONNECTION_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to create the topic connection for messages. The principal name specified was {0}.
9512 EVENT_DATA_ACTIVITY_GENERAL An unexpected exception occurred attempting to retrieve the activity specified. The server identifier is {0} and the activity identifier is {1}.