The following general system error messages may be received from EPX’s BIC Manager:
BIC Management Error Messages | ||
Message Number | Message Key | Message Text |
3000 | BIC_SERVICE_START_GENERAL | An unexpected exception occurred attempting to start the BIC Manager services. |
3001 | BIC_SERVICE_STOP_GENERAL | An unexpected exception occurred attempting to stop the BIC Manager services. |
3002 | BIC_SERVICE_REQUEST_GENERAL | An unexpected exception occurred attempting to send a request to the BIC Manager services. The request parameters specified were {0}. |
3003 | BIC_ERROR_INIT_REGISTER_BIC | BIC registration failure. |
3004 | BIC_ERROR_INIT_LOGIN_BIC | BIC failed to log in. |
3005 | BIC_ERROR_REGISTER_BIC | {0} BIC registration failure. |
3006 | BIC_ERROR_UNREGISTER_BIC | {0} BIC unregister failure. |
3007 | BIC_ERROR_ENABLE_BIC | Failed to enable {0} BIC. |
3008 | BIC_ERROR_DISABLE_BIC | Failed to disable {0} BIC. |
3009 | BIC_ERROR_GET_BIC | Failed to get BIC. |
3010 | BIC_ERROR_GET_BIC_LIST | Failed to get BICs. |
3011 | BIC_ERROR_GET_LIST_FOR_SERVER | Failed to get all registered BICs on server. |
3012 | BIC_ERROR_GET_ENABLED_BIC_LIS T_FOR_SERVER | Failed to get all enabled BICs on server. |
3013 | BIC_ERROR_GET_EXTENDED_BIC_LIS T_FOR_SERVER | Failed to get all extended BICs on server. |
3014 | BIC_ERROR_SET_BIC_LIST_ENABLED | Failed to set BIC enabled status. |
3015 | BIC_ERROR_GET_ENABLED_EXTEND ED_BIC_LIST_FOR_SERVER | Failed to get enabled extended BICs on server. |
3016 | BIC_ERROR_GET_APPLICATION | Failed to get Application {1} on server. |
3017 | BIC_ERROR_GET_SERVER_APPLICAT ION | Unable to get server application for login {0}. |
3040 | BIC_ERROR_GET_ALL_BIC_MANAGE R_PROFILES | Failed to get all BIC Manager profiles. |
3041 | BIC_ERROR_GET_BIC_MANAGER_PR OFILE | Failed to get a BIC Manager profile. |
3042 | BIC_ERROR_REGISTER_BIC_MANAGE R | Failed to register BIC Manager {1}. |
3043 | BIC_ERROR_MORE_BIC_MANAGER_R EGISTERED | More than one BIC Managers of the same UID {1} are registered already. |
3044 | BIC_ERROR_FOUND_BIC_MANAGER_W RONG_HOST | Found a registered BIC Manager of the same name with a different host name. |
3045 | BIC_ERROR_UNREGISTER_BIC_MANAG ER | Failed to unregister BIC Manager {0} from {1}. |