Administration Beans/Facades Error Messages - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Programmers Reference
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Administration Beans/Facades Error Messages
Message Number Message Key Message Text
15100 LDAP_CONNECTION_ERROR Could not connect to LDAP server. Communication Error.
15101 LDAP_NAMENOTFOUND_ERROR Could not connect to LDAP server. Invalid search base.
15102 LDAP_SERVER_ERROR LDAP server error.
15103 LDAP_SEARCH_FAILED LDAP search failed.
15104 LDAP_SYNC_FAILED LDAP synchronization failed.
15105 LDAP_UPDATE_USER_FAILED Update for LDAP user failed.
15400 USER_ALREADY_EXISTS The user which is trying to be created already exists.
15401 USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_UPDATE The user which is trying to be updated does not exist in the database
15402 ALT_ACTOR_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_FO R_USER_DELETION The user could not be deleted due to dependencies with an alternate actor.
15403 ALERT_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_FOR_US ER_DELETION The user could not be deleted due to dependencies with alerts that have associations to activities.
15404 ROLE_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_FOR_US ER_DELETION The user could not be deleted due to dependencies with one or more roles.
15405 BIC_USERS_CANNOT_BE_REMOVED The application tried to remove a user that is listed as a BIC, this cannot be done. BICs may only be registered and unregistered, not deleted.



The user could not be deleted because one or more users list it as a manager.
15407 ARC_ACTOR_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_F OR_USER User has one or more dependencies with the actor assigned to an activity.
15408 BOX_ACTOR_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_F OR_USER Dependencies were found for a user with one or more work item versions based on the box actor.
15409 WIV_SENDER_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_F OR_USER Dependencies were found for a user with one or more work item versions based on the sender.
15410 WIV_OWNER_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_F OR_USER Dependencies were found for a user with one or more work item versions based on the owner.
15411 USER_SET_FOR_DELETION You cannot create a user with the specified login id because a user that has been deleted from the system still has that login id in the database.
15412 SCHEMA_OWNER_DEPENDENCIES_FOU ND_FOR_USER_DELETION This user owns database objects (table/view/ stored procedure) in a schema.
15413 CREATE_USER_EXCEPTION An exception occurred during user creation.
15414 UPDATE_USER_EXCEPTION An exception occurred during user update.
15415 USER_DEPENDENCY_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while finding dependencies for a user.
15416 REMOVE_USER_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while deleting user.
15417 RETRIEVE_PARTICIPANT_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while retrieving participant.
15418 RETRIEVE_USER_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while retrieving user.
15419 RETRIEVE_USER_PRIVILEGE_EXCEPTIO N An exception occurred while retrieving privileges for a user.
15420 RETRIEVE_USER_GROUPS_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while retrieving groups for a user.
15421 RETRIEVE_USER_ADDRESS_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while retrieving addresses for a user.
15450 VIEWER_DOES_NOT_EXIST The viewer which is being updated does not exist.
15451 VIEWER_ALREADY_EXISTS The viewer being created already exists.
15452 ACTIVITY_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_FOR_ VIEWER_DELETION The viewer cannot be deleted due to dependencies with one or more activities.
15453 TYPE_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_FOR_VIE WER_DELETION Viewer could not be deleted due to dependencies with one or more work item types.
15454 FIELD_DELETION_DEPENDENCY Viewer dependencies found for the field that was to be deleted.
15455 TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND The specified template was not found.
15456 TEMPLATE_NOT_VALID The specified template file is not a valid template.
15457 NO_WEB_SERVER_FOR_GENERATION No web server was found. A web server must be running to generate viewers.
15458 NO_WEB_SERVER_PUBLISH No web server is running to publish the viewer.
15459 PUBLISH_VIEWER_ERROR An error occurred during viewer publication.
15460 NO_VIEWER_IN_TMP The viewer cannot be published because it does not exist in the tmp directory. May need to generate first.
15500 GROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_UPDAT E The group that is being attempted to update does not exist.
15501 GROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS The group that is being added already exists in the database.
15502 USER_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_FOR_GR OUP_DELETION A user has been added to this group.
15503 CREATE_GROUP_EXCEPTION Exception thrown during group creation.
15504 RETRIEVE_GROUP_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while retrieving a group.
15505 DELETE_GROUP_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while removing a group.
15506 UPDATE_GROUP_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while updating a group.
15507 RETRIEVE_GROUP_PRIVILEGE_EXCEPTI ON An exception occurred while retrieving a group’s privileges.
15550 TYPE_ALREADY_EXISTS The type to be added already exists.
15551 TYPE_DOES_NOT_EXIST The type to be updated does not exist.



Dependencies were found with one or more processes for the given type.
15553 WORK_ITEM_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_F OR_TYPE_DELETION Work item type cannot be deleted due to dependencies with one or more work items.
15554 DOMAIN_IN_USE The domain could not be deleted due to the fact that another work item field is using it.
15555 WORK_ITEM_FIELD_DEPENDENCIES_FO UND_FOR_TYPE_DELETION This work item type is used in a work item viewer.
15556 UPDATE_TYPE_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while updating a work item type.
15557 CREATE_TYPE_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while creating a work item type.
15558 RETRIEVE_TYPE_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while retrieving a work item type.
15600 ACTIVITY_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_FOR_ ROLE_DELETION Role cannot be deleted due to dependencies with one or more activities.
15601 ALT_ACTOR_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_FO R_ROLE_DELETION Role could not be deleted due to dependencies with one or more alternate actor.
15602 ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS The role that is being created already exists.
15603 ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_UPDATE The role to be updated does not exist.
15604 ARC_ACTOR_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_F OR_ROLE Role has one or more dependencies with the actor assigned to an activity.
15605 BOX_ACTOR_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND_F OR_ROLE Dependencies were found for a user with one or more work item versions based on the box actor.
15606 RETRIEVE_ROLE_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while retrieving a role.
15607 RETRIEVE_ROLE_TYPE_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while retrieving role types.

Note: The tmp directory is used internally by EPX as a temporary storage for viewers before they are published. These viewers will be deleted once published.