Four key classes are used in this example: SecurityFacade, ServerProfile, SessionProfile, and LoginExample. The login method of the LoginExample class uses the SecurityFacade class to establish the initial EJB connection with the EPX application server via JNDI. The SecurityFacade class has a method named getServerProfiles() that can be used to retrieve a Java Collection containing ServerProfile objects that describe all of the servers that are available for a given EPX application server.
The LoginExample class is a base class that provides user login and logout methods through the SecurityFacade class. The login method of the SecurityFacade class establishes the initial session with the EPX server and returns a SessionProfile object that represents the session. One important concept to understand with EPX and its public API is that the SessionProfile object returned from the login request is a required parameter for all of the EPX public APIs.
For full details about each class, refer to the Javadoc documentation located in the docs\javadoc directory of the EPX installation.