A standard set of attributes is defined for each work item at runtime. The attributes do not actually exist in the work item properties stored in the EPX database server. Attributes include the following:
sys_system_servername — name of the EPX database server that the user is connected to
sys_server_uid — unique identifier of the EPX database server that the user is connected to
sys_system_version — current EPX version number
sys_workflow_name — name of process flow
sys_activity_name — activity name
sys_activity_actor — name of actor assigned to the activity
sys_workitem_name — name of the work item
sys_workitem_description — description of the work item
source_system_name — external system name associated with the work item, if the work item has this information defined
source_system_event — external system event associated with the work item, if the work item has this information defined
source_system_id — external system identifier associated with the work item, if the work item has this information defined
sys_workitem_initiator — name of the actor that created the work item at the starting point
sys_workitem_creationdate — date the work item was first created
sys_workitem_sender — name of the actor that sent the work item from the preceding activity
sys_workitem_sentdate — date the work item was sent from the preceding activity
sys_workitem_priority — selected priority
sys_workitem_recipients — actor name or names assigned to the work item
sys_workitem_uid — unique identifier of the work item
sys_workitem_version_uid — unique identifier of the work item version
sys_workitem_version_status — condition of the work item version (draft, en route, locked, SOAP error, error or completed)
sys_workitem_version_error — indicates whether or not current work item version contains errors
sys_expired — indicates whether or not current work item version has expired
sys_user_login — login name of participant assigned to current work item version
Note: Any work item key starting with sys_ is a reserved system key. EPX will not save any changes that you make to values associated with these keys.