Finding Property Names in Existing Work Items - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling
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If work items already exist for the flow in which the DPA is being added or modified, the contents of those work items can be used to determine the property names and values. To find values in the work item property hash table:

  1. Click the expand button next to the process flow in the Navigator tree (in the Process Flows, Subflows or Personal Subflows folder).

  2. Right-click the activity containing the work item and select Work Items... Work items at that activity are displayed on the Activity Work Items editor.

  3. Double-click on one of the work item versions listed on the Activity Work Items editor. The details of the work item version are displayed in the Work Item Version property editor.

Note: If the modeler must run a work item to get to a BIC but the properties available for the DPA are unclear from the configuration of the flow, it is recommended to add a manual activity just before the DPA. Run work items through the flow to that point, and then examine those work items to determine the properties that are available for checking in the DPA.

  1. In the Work Item Version editor, click the Properties tab to see the work item’s hash table values. For example, if a property hash table contains the following information:

Key Value



When you set rules for the DPA, you would type the following in the Rule Properties dialog box:

Field name: biographicaldata.age

Value: ‘young’

For example:

For more information on how to configure rules for DPAs, refer to Configuring Rules for DPAs.