Generating an Audit Report - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Administration

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Administration
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The system keeps a record of all server-related events, such as creation and deletion of objects. An administrator can view these records via the Audit tab, if needed. For instance, an administrator might want to audit the activities of a particular user or component for security or other reasons. Follow the steps below to use the audit report feature:

Note: No server configuration is set on the Audit tab. It is used solely for viewing and saving audit records. Therefore, the Apply button is not used on this tab, although it can be enabled if changes on other tabs have not yet been applied.

  1. In the Server editor, click the Audit tab. The following example illustrates an audit performed on a particular user at a specific time.

  1. Select a target time period for the audit by entering a start date and time and an end date and time, either by typing or by clicking the arrow buttons. These are the only required entries; however, if the times you specify might result in a large number of records, you might want to further define your search by selecting values in the Component, Object Type, Audit Level, Transaction, and User lists. These lists are explained below:

  • Component - specifies the main product components, such as Design Console or TaskManager

  • Object Type - specifies types of objects, such as activity, role, session, work item, or table

  • Audit Level - includes debug, errors, information, and warnings

  • Transaction - specifies transactions such as create, delete, execute, or shutdown

  • User - specifies a particular user or BIC

  1. Enter a number in the Number of records to retrieve box, either by typing or by clicking the arrow buttons. This is the maximum number of records that will be displayed at one time within the records list. You can display as few as 10 or as many as 1,000 records at a time.

  2. Click Search to retrieve the audit records that match the filter criteria.

  3. If more records match the filter criteria than the number of records you chose to display, you can view these additional records by clicking Next. Records are displayed chronologically. You can click Next or Back to display the latter or earlier batch of records.