Synchronizing with LDAP - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Administration

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Administration
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EPX can automatically or periodically synchronize its information with the LDAP server when LDAP is initially enabled. EPX also updates the repository with users defined in LDAP, replacing existing records with the LDAP versions.

To synchronize the LDAP database, click on the Sync Now button. The Sync Now button will initiate a sync process. It will be enabled only when LDAP is enabled and configured. The sync process can be initiated irrespective of the synchronization setup: automatic, periodic or none and the process will update all user properties whether they have changed or not.

The Last Scheduled Synchronization field will display the date and time the last full synchronization was performed. It will display Never if no full synchronization was performed. A full synchronization date and time is registered in the server when a manual or periodic synchronization is performed.

The Next Scheduled Synchronization field will display the date and time of the next scheduled full synchronization. This field will display a date and time only if the Periodic Synchronization option is selected. It will display Never if synchronization is disabled or the Automatic Synchronization option is selected.

Clicking the Reset button clears the last scheduled datetime field and will display Never.

After clicking on the Sync Now button, a dialog box will prompt the user when the sync process is complete.

If the synchronization process detects users who are in EPX but not in the LDAP server, the dialog will list these users who must be created in the LDAP server for them to login to EPX. You have the option to print the list out, the print-out will include the login ID, first name, and last name of the users, and the date and time the synchronization occurred.