Work Items in an Automatic Activity - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.6

EnterWorks EPX Administration

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Administration
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A work item that is opened by a BIC is locked by it until it is processed and sent. If an error occurs, the lock is not cleared as the BIC can continue processing it once the error is resolved. A locked work item is considered a BIC Manager dependency. If an error on a work item version is resolved, the lock on the work item version will be released and any changes to the BIC Manager assignment at the activity will be updated in the work item version as well.

If an activity has a BIC Manager assigned to it, all work items arriving at that activity will have the BIC Manager assigned to them. This assignment will not get cleared or updated in the current implementation even if the activity assignment was modified after the work items were created. These work items are not considered dependencies.

If an activity has a BIC Manager assigned to it and the BIC Manager has been shut down, then work items arriving at this activity will still have the BIC Manager assigned to them. If the BIC Manager is deleted after removing the activity dependency, its assignment on the work items will be cleared and will be system-assigned. However, if the BIC Manager is not deleted but the activity assignment is changed to system-assigned, the work items that are already assigned to the stopped BIC Manager will remain assigned to it. Only new work items arriving at the activity will be system-assigned.