Running a Publication Job - EnterWorks - Precisely EnterWorks - Publication Module - 10.5

EnterWorks Publication Module User Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks > Publication Module
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Publication Module User Guide
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  1. In the Publication Templates section, select a Publication Template from the Templates listing. This template will be used to run a saved set from EnterWorks to get an output file for a publication. This tool is useful when a user needs to generate a quick, simple output file where no customization to the publication is needed.

  1. From the Setup Job drop down menu, select Start Job.

  1. A separate Start Publication Job window will open. Give the Job a name and description (optional).

  1. Select the environment the Publication Data is coming from (Staging or Production) and choose a Print Hierarchy from the drop down menu.

  1. Check the box for Include Image Attributes if needed. Once the box has been checked, select the Image Type and Context that will be included. Also, check the box for Create Image Package if the user needs images to accompany the output file.

  1. To limit the records being published, expand the Selected Root/Linked Saved Set(s) or Selected Root/Linked Search Config options.

  1. Select one or multiple saved sets or saved searches from the Available SavedSet or Available Search Config area and click the arrow buttons to move them over to the selected area. This will determine what content will come into the publication output file.

  2. Click the OK button when finished.

  3. If no saved set or saved search is selected, a warning message will appear that you will be publishing all records in the repository and linked repositories (if applicable).

  1. A pop-up window will indicate that the job was submitted successfully.

  1. Go to the Job Monitor to view the progress of the job and to download when finished.

  1. Click the Reload button on the bottom left of the Job Monitor to refresh the progress of the job. The job is finished when the status is Completed.