Notifications can be generated by adding the Workflow Notification BIC activity to a workflow anywhere a notification needs to be generated:
The Settings Tab for the activity defines the recipient and content of the notification:
- notifyRecipient – the user login or EnterWorks Group name of the recipient of the notification
- repositoryName – name of the repository containing the repository record for which the notification is being generated (usually set to %repositoryName%)
- repositoryId – ID of the repository containing the repository record for which the notification is being generated (usually set to %repositoryId%)
- workItemId – ID of the repository record for which the notification is being generated (usually set to %itemIds%). Stored in the Item_ID attribute in the Workflow Notification repository.
- taskName – name of task associated with the notification (usually the %taskName% which would be set for the manual activity that follows the notification or the task that was performed before the notification). Stored in the Notice attribute in the Workflow Notification repository
- taskRole – name of role associated with the notification (usually the %taskRole% which would be set for the manual activity that follows the notification or the role ). Stored in the Role attribute in the Workflow Notification repository
- taskDescription – detailed description of the task (usually the %taskDescription% which would be set for the manual activity that follows the notification). Appears as Details in the Workflow Notification repository record
- taskStatus – status of the work item for which the notification was generated. Stored in Status attribute in the Workflow Notification repository
- workflowCommentHistory – comment history for work item. Sotred in the Comment History attribute in the Workflow Notification repository
- workItemCreationDate – date and time of when the work item was created. This must be formatted. The workflow must obtain the current date in the proper format. Stored in the Creation Date attribute in the Workflow Notification repository. This date can be set in a SQL Set Properties activity at the beginning of the workflow using the SQL: select convert(varchar, getdate(), 101) + ' ' + convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) as workItemCreationDate
The notifications can also be created directly in the Workflow Notification repository from a Change Notification Transformation or from an external application using REST API calls.
Attribute | Description |
ID | Auto-sequenced primary key for the repository |
Item_ID | InternalRecordId of the repository record that was associated with the notification |
Repository_ID | ID of the repository containing the record |
Repository | Name of the repository containing the record |
Notice | Summary of the notification, such as the Task Name or the event that is being reported |
Details | Detail message for the notification |
Role | Function role of the recipient of the notification |
Status | Status of the associated repository record at the time of the notification |
Comment History | Series of comments (if defined) associated with the actions of the participants in the workflow for the work item that generated this notification |
Creation Date | Date and time of when the work item was created |
Date | Date and time of when the notification was generated |
Recipient | The user or group who received the notification |
Acknowledge | Set to Yes once the notification has been acknowledged (this causes the notification to disappear from the dashboard widget). |