You can configure Simple, Advanced, and Otherwise rules for DPAs. Simple and Advanced rules permit you to establish an if-then condition that instructs the DPA to look at the work item and send it to another activity depending on the rule and on what is in the work item.
If none of the conditions specified in the rules are met, the DPA will refer to the Otherwise rule if it is defined. If it is not defined, the work item will fail to be sent from the activity preceding the DPA. If this is a manual activity, an error will be displayed on the TaskManager from which the work item was sent. If this is an automatic activity, the work item will remain at that activity and be flagged with an error.
- Simple rules — allow you to specify basic if-then conditions. For example, if the value 'young' is selected in the work item, send the work item to the approval activity.
- Advanced rules — allow you to specify more complex if-then conditions. For example, if the value 'young' is selected in the work item and the value >$30,000 is also selected, then send the work item to the approval activity.
- Otherwise rule — allows you to specify a rule that applies if none of the other if-then conditions are met. In each DPA, only one Otherwise rule can be defined.
See also, Reference for DPA Advanced Rules.