Exports data from a repository using a saved set or list of IDs and user preference to control content. The resulting file is sent as an attachment in an email message to one or more recipients, identified by any combination of email addresses, Enable user logins, or Enable Groups. The email is queued for processing based on the Email Manager settings.
- email_to - Comma-delimited list of any combination of email addresses, Enable user logins, or Enable Group names.
- email_subject - Subject line for email
- email_body - Body text for email
- repo_name - Used to get epim repository records for email body text
- preference_name - Used to get epim repository records for email body text
- savedset_id - Used to generate an epim repository records export file for email attachment file
- item_ids - Used to get epim repository records for email body text
- export_file_name_prefix - The prefix of the generated export file name
- export_file_type - Select a export file type: xlsx or csv
- email_attachment - Fully-qualified path to optional additional file to be attached to the email message
- email_send_status - Results of email send operation (SUCCESS or FAIL)
- email_send_message - Detailed error message if email.send.status is FAIL