Copy data from a specified source repository to a target repository by generating an export file using the designated User Preference and then importing the data into the target repository using the designated import template. This BIC would typically be used when moving data from a request repository to the actual data repository.
- source_repo_name - The source repository name ", null, null, null, true, 1, null);
- source_preference_name - The source repository preference name
- source_savedset_id - The savedSetId of the source repository
- source_item_ids - If no savedSetId is specified, a Comma-delimited list of item ids can be specified
- target_repo_name - The target repository name
- target_repo_import_template_name - The import template name of the target repository
- targetFileType - Type of file to be generated.
- keepRepoValues - Retain repository values if value in file is empty if Yes (default is Yes)
- validateAfterCopy - Validate the records after they have been copied if Yes (default is No)
- repo_data_copy_status - Results of e-mail send operation (SUCCESS or FAIL)
- repo_data_copy_message - Detailed error message if email.send.status is FAIL