Initiate regenerate variant jobs for as many as the scheduled imports defined. Input parameters are: Comma-delimited list of scheduled imports, for which regenerate variant jobs will be initiated, with their saved sets as arguments; Name of the server containing the JBoss slave process that is targeted for running the utility. Output parameter would be a colon-delimited list of job ids for the initiated regenerate variant jobs.
- serverName - Name of the server containing the JBoss slave process that is targeted for running the utility.
- scheduledImports - Comma-delimited list of scheduled imports, for which regenerate variant jobs will be initiated, with their saved sets as arguments.
- regenerateVariantJobIds - Colon-delimited list of job ids for the initiated regenerate variant jobs
- initiateStatus - Results of initiation of image report operation (SUCCESS or FAIL)
- errorMessages - Detailed error message if action is FAIL