Promotes a single record or a collection of records in a Saved Set from Staging to Production. Records are validated and promoted based on the designated validation mode.
- id - Internal ID of record to be promoted
- savedSeteId - ID of saved set containing the records to be promoted
- savedSetName - Name of saved set containing the records to be promoted
- promotionConfiguration - Name of the promotion configuration to be used for the promotion
- repositoryName - Name of the staging repository
- validationMode - Validation mode for promotion: All - promote all records (don't validate), Valid - validate and promote only records with no errors, Warning - validate and promote only records with no errors or warnings only.
- promotionTimeout - Specifies the number of minutes the job will wait before declaring the promotion a failure.
- isPromoted – true if the promotion operation was successful
- errorMsg – details of failure if the promotion was not successful