Attaches files to the work item. Can either specify a newline or comma-delimited list of names. If newline is used as the delimiter, file names do not have to be escaped if they include commas. If comma is the delimiter, any file name containing a comma must be surrounded by double quotes.
- directoryPath - Optional base directory for files. If defined, it will be prefixed to each listed file.
- fileNames - Newline-delimited or comma-delimited list of files. Only one delimiter can be used. If a newline character is found, it will be used as the delimiter. If a file name contains a comma, the file name must be surrounded by double-quotes unless newline is the delimiter. This includes when there is only one file being attached.
- fileName0-19 - Attach a single file. File names with commas do NOT have to be surrounded by double quotes.
- attachStatus - Attach files operation completely successful if SUCCESS. Any failure will return FAIL.
- messages - Details for processing of the files
- filesListed - Number of files listed for attachment (reflects files found when wildcard is used in file name).
- filesAttached - Number of files successfully attached.