Adding Work Item Types to a Flow - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.5

EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling
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A work item type is added to the table in one of two ways, depending on whether it is used by an activity in the current flow or by an activity in a subflow that is called by the current flow.

To add work item types to be used by activities in the current flow, you first must have created the work item types on the database server where you are creating the flow. For more information on creating work item types, see Creating Work Item Types.

To make a work item type available to the flow:

  1. Right-click in the Work Item Type Instances table and click Add in the shortcut menu.

  2. Click the work item type in the Work Item Type Selection dialog, and then click OK.

  3. An instance of the work item type you selected is added to the table.

The default name for a work item type instance is An Instance Of <Work Item Type>, where <Work Item Type> is the name of work item type you selected. You can give the instance a more descriptive name by double-clicking in the Name column of the instance’s row, typing a new name, and pressing Enter. This new instance name is also applied to all metadata fields contained within the work item type instance.