This chapter describes how to create and delete work item types, how to add work item types to a flow, and how to purge work items from EPX.
An EPX work item is a collection of data, in the form of key/value pairs, that is passed through a process flow. For example, a purchase order that is passed from person to person for approval can be considered a work item. The business needs of your particular organization determine the work items you need to develop.
A work item type is a group of metadata fields related by purpose. For example, some useful work item types for a Human Resources department process flow might be Purchase Order, Vacation Request, or Leave of Absence Request, each containing metadata fields specific to that type of form.
You must create at least one work item type and add it to a flow before you can display any work item data for that flow in a work item viewer. For more information on work item viewers, see Developing Work Item Viewers.