Creating a Direct-Submission Web Page - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.5

EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling

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EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling
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After you have copied the TMDirectSubmitTemplate.html file to a new location, you can begin creating a direct work item submission Web page. Follow the directions below:

  1. First, create a process flow, and assign the “direct submit” participant as the actor on the starting point activity (which must be a Manual Activity).

  2. Use the TMDirectSubmitTemplate.html file as the basis for creating a new work item viewer. This template file includes the following information (in the form of key/value pairs), which must be contained in your viewer file. This information does not appear to the participant, but identifies the participant and related information to EPX.

<input type="hidden" name="tm_username" value="">

<input type="hidden" name="tm_password" value="">

<input type="hidden" name="tm_clienttimezone" value="">

<input type="hidden" name="tm_startingpoint" value="">

<input type="hidden" name="tm_workitemname" value="">

<input type="hidden" name="tm_workitemdescription" value="">

<input type="hidden" name="tm_responseok" value="CustomDirectSubmitOK.html">

<input type="hidden" name="tm_responsefailed" value="CustomDirectSubmitFailed.html">

Either create a new HTML file and copy this section of code into the file (recommended), or rename the copy of the TMDirectSubmitTemplate.html file.

  1. Type values for the participant’s user name ( tm_username ) and password ( tm_password ) between the quotation marks of the appropriate value="" expressions. These are required.

<input type="hidden" name="tm_username" value="">

<input type="hidden" name="tm_password" value="">

  1. If the “direct submit” participant is a participant on two or more starting point activities in the flow, then the name of the specific starting point activity to which this direct-submission Web page applies must be specified. Type the name of the starting point activity that this Web page represents, as the value for tm_startingpoint.

<input type="hidden" name="tm_startingpoint" value="">

If, on the other hand, the “direct submit” participant is the participant on only one starting point activity, then you must remove or comment this line.

  1. To specify a name for the work item that will be submitted, type a value for the tm_workitemname key. If the Work Item Name Editable check box was selected on the Manual Activity editor’s Details tab, then the value for tm_workitemname will be used. If you do not enter a value, then the default work item name is used instead.

<input type="hidden" name="tm_workitemname" value="">

If Work Item Name Editable was not selected for the Manual Activity, then entering a value is not necessary, as any name entered will be ignored.

  1. Specify which system response OK page should be used. This is the page that the participant sees on the successful submission of a work item. There are two ways to specify the page:

  • To use the EPX standard system response OK page, remove or comment the line:

<input type="hidden" name="tm_responseok" value="CustomDirectSubmitOK.html">

  • To use your own page, replace the filename CustomDirectSubmitOK.html with the name of your custom OK response page.

  1. Specify which system response failed page to use. This is the page that the participant sees should the work item fail to be submitted successfully. As with the system response OK page, there are two ways to specify the page:

  • To use the EPX standard system response failed page, remove or comment the line:

<input type="hidden" name="tm_responsefailed" value="CustomDirectSubmitFailed.html">

  • To use your own page, replace the filename CustomDirectSubmitFailed.html with the name of your custom failed response page.

  1. Type values for the local time zone (tm_clienttimezone) and a description of the work item (tm_workitemdescription). These values are optional.

After you have finished creating your custom direct submit template, you can begin using it by simply pointing your browser at its URL.

The DirectSubmit servlet is able to handle logging in to a session, returning to a session, logging out a specified session ID, and submitting work items using a specified session ID rather than always logging in and logging out. To login and obtain a session ID, a request should be made to the DirectSubmit Servlet with tm_username and tm_password parameters and with a tm_action=login parameter as well. This will return a session ID if the login is successful. With this session ID, a work item can be submitted as before, but by specifying a sessionid parameter instead of the tm_username and tm_password parameters. To log out a session, specify the sessionid parameter together with a tm_action=logout parameter.

Note: For direct-submission work items, the priority level is determined by the Manual Activity or by the process flow. Therefore, no priority level value is set in the direct-submission page.