Delay the Sending of a Work Item - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.5

EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling
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The Delayed Send option delays the sending of a work item to the next activity. This option is selected if the user does not want to send the activity immediately to the next user or a work item in an activity needs to be sent only on a specific date and time. The specific date and time can either be specified within the work item or be in a compiled program file. The work item will remain in the activity where the delayed send option was configured until the specific date and time is satisfied. Delayed Send is an alternative option to not have to use the Scheduler BIC with a dynamic delay. The Delayed Send option is only available on manual and automatic EPX activities.

The Delayed Send option may also be set by custom code, which must be a subclass of the BaseSendAction class. This custom code is invoked prior to sending the work item to the next activity if the fully qualified class name is specified in the Send Action Class field

To configure the Delayed Send option a work item type will be created to serve as an example:

  1. Create a Work Item Type with a string field called Date and with a value of MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm as a guide for the date format. In this example the Work Item Type will be called DelayedSend.

  2. Generate a viewer using the Date field in the DelayedSend work item type.

  3. On the activity you created, right-click on the activity’s icon, and then select Properties in the shortcut menu. Add the viewer you generated on the Viewers tab. For information on how to add a viewer, refer to Using the Work Item Viewer Dialog.

  4. Click on the Details tab.

  5. Select the Delayed Send check box. The Work Item Key and Date Format fields will be enabled. Type in the key that you will use to obtain the actual send date and/or time during runtime in the Work Item Key box. In this example, type in DelayedSend.Date wherein DelayedSend is the work item type you created and Date is the string field in the work item type.

  6. Select or modify the format of the date by either choosing one from the dropdown list or entering an alternative (the value in the combo box is editable). The Date Format is where the user will select the format of the date that is stored in the key specified in the Work Item Key field. In this example we will use the default format MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm.

The Format Test label contains the current date and/or time formatted using the format selected in the Date Format field. Each time a new format is selected, this value is updated to reflect the newly-selected format.

Refer to the Appendix for the available date formats and time zones.

  1. You may use custom code to have a work item perform actions or tasks prior to sending the work item to the next activity. If you need to use a custom code, click on the Custom Action tab and type in the fully qualified class name for the custom code in the Send Action Class field.

Refer to the section Customizing Send Action Class below for detailed instructions on how to create a custom code.

Note: The Send Action Class field is only available for the following EPX activities: Manual, Automatic, Anonymous, Iteration, Work Item Purge and Decision Point. This would mean that the Send Action Class field can function independently and can be used without the Delayed Send feature.

Important: Either the Send Action Class field on the Custom Action tab or the Work Item Key field on the Details tab must have valid entries if Delayed Send is enabled.