Security Tab - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.5

EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Process Modeling
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The Security tab is divided into two sections, top and bottom. On top is a pane split into three boxes, each of which displays a particular level of the EPX user and group hierarchy. On the bottom is a table that allows you to grant to users or to groups any or all of the available permission types.

Note: For more information on permission levels and creating users and groups, see the Administration guide.

To set permissions for a user or a group:

  1. Click the Security tab.

  2. In the top pane, double-click either the Users or Groups folder, depending on whose permissions you want to modify. If you double-click the Users folder, a list of all available users appears in the middle box. If you select the Groups folder, a list of all available groups appears instead.

  3. Click the user or group to select it.

  • You can select multiple consecutive users or groups from the list by clicking the first consecutive name, and then holding the <SHIFT> key while clicking the last consecutive name.

  • You can select multiple non-consecutive users or groups by holding the <CTRL> key while clicking the names.

  1. The names of the users or groups that you have selected appear in the bottom table, in the Name column. For each user or group, indicate the permissions that they should have for the flow by selecting the appropriate check boxes in the Read, Write, Delete, Select, Update, Insert, Remove, and Execute columns.