The terms in the following table are important to understand before you begin to use any of the EPX tools. These terms are described in the context of using the Design Console interface throughout subsequent chapters of this guide.
A BIC contains three tiers: presentation, business logic, and data/legacy access.
Term | Description |
activity | A specific task performed in a process flow. The primary activities in a process flow are those performed by actors. These activities:
Splits, joins, ending points, and exit points are also considered activities. Subflows are considered activities when they are represented as steps in a process flow or another subflow. |
actor | A participant, role, or BIC that interacts with activities in a process flow. |
BIC | A software program that performs the work associated with a given automatic activity in a process flow. |
ending point | The final activity in a process flow. Its purpose is to mark the end of the flow. |
exit point | The final activity in a subflow. Its purpose is to mark the end of the subflow, where the work item returns to the flow that called the subflow. |
join | An activity in a process flow where two or more parallel activities converge into a single common thread of control. There are two types of joins:
participant | A user who has been granted the privilege to be an actor. |
role | A specific function or placeholder for participants, such as manager or supervisor, that you define using Administration or Process Modeling tools. You can assign participants, BICs, or other roles to a role. You can schedule different participants to fill the role depending on the time of day, or simply use the role as an alias for an individual user. |
split | An activity in a process flow where a single activity splits into two or more parallel activities with multiple threads of control. There are several types of splits:
transition | The path between two activities in a process flow, with an origin at the source activity and a termination at the destination activity. All the transitions taken together form the complete path that a work item takes through a process flow. |
work item | The work item viewer; combined with data and sent down a process flow. |
work item type | Classification of a work item; usually based on its content. You associate a work item type with one or more work item viewers. You can define multiple work item types, for example: purchase order, vacation request, and new employee request. |
work item version | A single instance of a work item at a particular flow activity. Work items are said to be versioned when they are passed from one activity to the next in a flow. |
work item viewer | The registered HTML file that determines how a work item appears in EPX. You can create one work item viewer for each work item type, or associate multiple viewers with a single type. |