For | Examples |
Number | 5 5.0 .5 4.5555 |
String | ‘how’ ‘adlkjljaf343’ ‘John Doe’ ‘B-1’ Strings must start with a letter or a digit but can be followed by none or any number of other letters and digits, blank spaces, hyphens (-), number signs (#), and percent signs (%). |
Date | Use the format mm-dd-yyyy. The date 09-11-1997 is valid. |
Collection types | 4 ‘how’ 09-09-1997 Valid collection types are numbers, expressions, or dates. Collections can also be strings. |
Datetime | Use the four-digit year format mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm-AM. For example, 09/11/1997-08:30- AM |
You can also use new collections or sets of objects. Represent a collection as {element, element}.