Overview - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.5

EnterWorks EPX Design Console

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EnterWorks EPX Design Console
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Design Console is the easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) that allows you to perform administration and development tasks in EPX. Design Console allows you to create, retrieve, update, and delete EPX business objects by providing easy access to the two major functional areas of EPX: Administration and Process Modeling.

Design Console provides for the administration of data for process integration in the following areas:

  • User and group management

  • Security management

  • Audit logging

  • Import/export functionality

  • Process configuration parameters

  • BIC server management

  • E-mail notification

  • LDAP services

  • Distributed networks

  • Work item priorities

Design Console also provides for management of process modeling in the following areas:

  • Managing Web sources

  • Managing connectivity to data sources (DSN registration, linking tables and views)

  • Query Builder

  • Roles — Abstract actor categories that group users together so that work can be assigned in a flexible manner. Roles can be defined for pools of users, aliases (e.g., “Supervisor”), cascading work escalation, or work schedules.

  • Work item types — Data structure definitions that define the data that is captured and tracked along the various activities, which make up a process flow. When a process flow is started, the resulting data structure that is created is called a work item, and this work item will be defined according to the definition of work item type.

  • Work item viewers — HTML- or Java Server Page- (JSP) formatted Web pages that are used to expose one or more portions of a work item at an activity in a process flow.

  • Process flow — Design Console provides a graphical process-modeling tool where process flows can be defined in a visual manner as a sequence of activities and transitions.

  • Subflow — A reusable sequence of activities and transitions that can be included in one or more process flows.

  • Personal subflow — A reusable sequence of activities and transitions with a named actor (a user or role) that can be included in one or more process flows.

  • Remote subflow — A reusable sequence of activities and transitions that is defined on some central installed EPX environment that can be included in one or more process flows defined on remote installed environments.

  • Business Integration Component (BIC) management — BICs are automated applications that can be used as actors in a process flow to provide integration to external systems. Design Console tools allows for the BICs to be configured for inclusion or exclusion as actors in a specific installed environment.

  • Process flow monitoring — The function which allows the monitoring of all work items or an individual work item in a process flow.

  • Work item purge — Allows an administrator to delete work items in bulk when they are no longer required by the enterprise.

  • Box Profile - Pre-defined filters that can be applied to Inbox views in TaskManager.