Due Date - EnterWorks_Process_Exchange_(EPX) - 10.5

EnterWorks EPX Administration

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks EPX Administration
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Workflow participants will use the Due Date field to communicate when a work item needs to be completed. In the TaskManager Summary page, users will be able to see the total number of overdue items for each work list profile. The Due Date is a system attribute for each work item. TaskManager users can read/edit Due Date at a manual activity depending on the access provided by the flow developer.

  1. When a user creates a new Work Item, if the work item name is editable then they can edit Due Date at the Work Item Name page. Click inside the Work Item Due Date field.

At this point, you have two options, either you can enter a Due Date and Due Time or leave these fields blank. Click Finish and your data will be saved.

Note: A warning will be displayed, after submission, if a date in the past is entered as the Due Date. This is an example of leaving both Due Date and Due Time fields blank. You will leave these areas blank if you do not want a viewable Due Date.

The next image is an example of entering data inside the Due Date field. If a date is entered but the time is left blank, the time will default to 11:59 pm of the day specified

  1. Users can open a work item through a work item viewer. The system designer has to design the Work Item viewer with an editable Due Date, read-only Due Date or no Due Date. If the Due Date is editable in the viewer than user must enter a date following the format specified. The date format can be modified in the <EPX>/bin/config.properties file (see due date configuration section). If you open a viewer with an editable Due Date option you will click inside Work Item Due Date and change the date and Due Time. After changes are made click Save or Send. If you open a viewer and the Work Item Due Date and Due Time are in grey then it is read-only and you cannot make changes.

Note: See "Process Modeling Viewer Design for Due Date Function" section in the Process Modeling guide.

  1. The Due Date also allows you to view overdue items. Click on Summary under the Work List column, the TaskManager Summary page includes a column with the total number of overdue items for each Box Profile. There is, however, another way to make the due date editable in the Design Console. You can add a new work item property with the key sys.workitem.duedate and its value is in a long format representing the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.

The due date is always reported in a long format so the viewer can display the date using the correct time zone. The server will then set the system attribute and then delete the property. You need to reopen the work item version editor to see the due date.

To make your process flow better, add a DPA that checks if the due date is not set or needs to be changed and route it to a manual activity where a user could enter the due date in a normal format and have the viewer convert it from normal to long format and send the work item through. This will update the due date as well.

If you will include an automatic activity, The Java BIC can set or update the due date. Using the BIC, create a work item property with the key as sys.workitem.duedate and value as a date in the long format representing the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.

Here is an example, with the key sys.workitem.duedate the code used is:


This will set the current date and time as the new due date.