Previous EPX versions required developers to use underscores to separate parent and child attribute relationships for work item property names (underscore notation).
Example: Property Name = Parent_Child_Attribute Value = 100
EPX 3.1 allows developers to assign work item property names in work item viewers using standard "parent" "." "children" notation (dot notation).
Example: Property Name = Parent.Child.Attribute Value = 100
For existing EPX installations upgrading to 3.1 or new EPX installations, these can be configured to accept either forms for denoting the work item property names. By default, EPX 3.1 is configured to accept dot notation for work item property names.
To change the EPX configuration to accept the former underscore notation, you must modify the file for the following configuration attribute to "true":
taskmanager.wivProps.dotUnderscore.conversion.enabled = true
For customers upgrading EPX to version 3.1, with the file still set to the default value ("false"), you must update all viewers (change the "underscore" to "dot" for all work item property names). If you want to continue using the underscore notation, you must set the above property value to "true".